
Monday, October 13, 2014

Harold Mayne-Nicholls considering running for Fifa presidency

Harold Mayne-Nicholls considering running for Fifa presidency

The official who led Fifa’s inspection of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bidding nations is considering challenging Sepp Blatter to become the body’s president.
The former Chilean football federation president Harold Mayne-Nicholls has until late January to submit his candidacy for the Fifa election in May.
He said that he is “studying the situation. It is a possibility at the moment.”
Mayne-Nicholls has to show he has played an “active role” in football for two of the past five years and has the support of at least five Fifa members.
Blatter is seeking a fifth four-year term as president, with the former Fifa official Jérôme Champagne the only other declared candidate.

Chileno Harold Mayne-Nicholls evalúa presentar candidatura a presidencia de la FIFA

El ex presidente de la ANFP recibió la propuesta del presidente de la UEFA, Michel Platini, principal opositor de Joseph Blatter.

Harold Mayne-Nicholls tendría en carpeta levantar su candidatura para disputar la presidencia de la FIFA con Joseph Blatter.
El ex presidente de la ANFP recibió la propuesta del presidente de la UEFA, Michel Platini, —opositor de Blatter— y que hasta ahora no tendría oposición.
Mayne-Nicholls si es que accede a presentar su candidatura tendría un apoyo importante por parte de Europa, eso sí, debería buscar respaldo en la Conmebol, y comenzar a buscar votos en la Federación de Chile.
En los países de Sudamerica respaldan en su mayoría la  opción por Blatter con el fin de asegurar los cupos del continente para el próximo mundial.

Harold Mayne-Nicholls considering running for Fifa presidency

The official who led Fifa’s inspection of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bidding nations is considering challenging Sepp Blatter to become the body’s president.
The former Chilean football federation president Harold Mayne-Nicholls has until late January to submit his candidacy for the Fifa election in May.
He said that he is “studying the situation. It is a possibility at the moment.”
Mayne-Nicholls has to show he has played an “active role” in football for two of the past five years and has the support of at least five Fifa members.
Blatter is seeking a fifth four-year term as president, with the former Fifa official Jérôme Champagne the only other declared candidate.

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