ALAMEDA THEATRE IN TORONTO: Chile Con Carne, by Carmen Aguirre April 2 - 14, 2013 "Un plato delicioso, bien preparado!"Christopher Hoile, Stage Door Eight-year-old Manuelita is determined to save Cedar, her tree. Fuelled by her parents recent experience as political refugees from Chile, Manuelita recruits her new friends from school to campaign with her at all costs. A dark comedy set in Vancouver in 1975, Chile Con Carne paints a portrait of childhood innocence stained by political upheaval, juxtaposed with blonde Barbie dolls, disco dancing lessons and the struggle to fit in. Factory Studio Theatre 125 Bathurst St. (at Adelaide) April 2- April 14, 2013 Previews, March 30, 31 Featuring: Paloma Nuñez as Manuelita Director: Marilo Nuñez Playwright: Carmen Aguirre Producer(s): Marilo Nuñez and Sigrid Velis Set & Lighting Design: Flavia Hevia Costume Design: Lindsay Anne Black Projection Designer: Cameron Davis Music & Sound Design: Edgardo Moreno Movement Coach: Clare Preuss Stage Manager: Fiona Jones Production Manager: David DeGrow Costume Intern: Diana Colavecchia Producing Intern: Jessica Esmerelda Zepeda Publicity: Josee DuranleauVideo Production: Peter Riddihough Production Stills: Rodrigo Moreno Showtimes: Evening Showtime: 8:00pm Wednesday Matinee: 12:30pm Sunday Matinee: 2:30pm Tickets: Tuesday - Thursday: $22 Friday- Saturday: $29 Student Matinee: $14-$17 Sunday Matinee: PWYC at the door (suggested donation $15) Previews, March 30 & 31: $17
Table of Contents
Press Release/Contact
About Alameda Theatre Company……….....4
Production History…………………………....5
About Chile Con Carne
Message from the Artistic Director……....6
Play Synopsis.…………………………..7
Artist Bios…………………………….. 7-9
List of Articles/News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 11 – April 14, 2013
MEDIA CONTACT: Josée Duranleau | 416 652 7672 |
Alameda Theatre Company commemorates 40th anniversary of
Chilean coup d’état with moving and passionate work by prolific
Latin Canadian playwright Carmen Aguirre
**** "...a sharply etched picture of the pain and humiliation of being a young, already
traumatized, refugee." - Toronto Star
"Poetic, elegant and powerful...Leaves you either hopeful or devastated. You can't be indifferent." –
The Vancouver Courier
Toronto (ON) -- Alameda Theatre Company is proud to present Carmen Aguirre’s
critically acclaimed Chile Con Carne. Through the anecdotes and voice of an eight-year
old girl, we experience the loss, absurdity, humour and pain of the displaced person's
experience in Canada. Chile Con Carne will be presented at the Factory Theatre from
March 30 to April 14.
Eight-year-old Manuelita is determined to save Cedar, her tree. Fuelled by her parents
recent experience as political refugees from Chile, Manuelita recruits her new friends
from school to join her campaign at all costs. A dark comedy set in Vancouver in 1975,
Chile Con Carne paints a portrait of childhood innocence stained by political upheaval,
juxtaposed with blonde Barbie dolls, disco dancing lessons and the struggle to fit in.
“Chile Con Carne illuminates the humanity within a war and makes us face and challenge
injustices in the societies we live in. This play will commemorate not only the Chileans
who were forced to leave their homeland, but also all political and economic refugees
who have sought refuge and asylum in Canada. This play is for them.” Marilo Nuñez
Directed by Marilo Nuñez. Starring Paloma Nuñez.
Set & Lighting Design: Flavia Hevia; Costume Design: Lindsay Anne Black; Music &
Sound Design: Edgardo Moreno; Projection Designer: Cameron Davis; Movement
Coach: Clare Preuss; Stage Manager: Fiona Jones.
Originally produced in 1999, the play starred Marilo Nuñez, years before she founded
Alameda. Both Nuñez and Aguirre were virtual unknowns at the time. Fourteen years
later Aguirre is one of the most prolific Latin-Canadian writers in the country while Nuñez
founded what has become one of Canada's premiere professional Latin American theatre
Chile Con Carne by Carmen Aguirre
Directed by Marilo Nuñez
April 2- April 14, 2013
Opening: Tuesday, April 2 at 8 PM | Previews: March 30 at 8 PM and 31 at 2:30 PM
The Factory Studio Theatre | 125 Bathurst St. (at Adelaide)
Performances: Tues. to Sat. at 8 PM | Wednesday Matinee at 12:30 PM | Sunday at
2:30 PM Tickets: Adults: $22-$29 (Tues.- Sat.) | Sunday (PWYC) | Students/Seniors:
$15-$17 | Previews: $17 Box office: 416-504-9971 |
-- 30 --
Alameda Theatre Company produces Canadian theatre with a distinct Latin American
perspective: we develop the new works of Canadian Latin American playwrights, create
professional opportunities for our artists and mentor the next generation of Latino artists in
Alameda means “avenue” in Spanish. Alameda Theatre Company is about creating a road for
our community, one that leads us to become better artists with each step forward. The goal is
to improve the human experience through art and creative exchange.
Founded in 2007 our goal has always been to create theatre that reflects the Latin American
experience in Canada. We want to eliminate negative stereotypes and create theatre that is
inclusive, equitable and first class. We aim to collaborate with like-minded companies and
bridge the gap between Canadian and “other”.
2013 marks our sixth anniversary as a theatre company and we have only just begun to scratch
the surface of what Canadian Latin American theatre is. Canada’s Latin American community
comes from many diverse countries and cultures and we are slowly coming to terms with what
that means once we are here; because here, are we all one, or are we specifically from our own
countries? How does coming from the diversity of languages and culture in Latin America affect
the way we create theatre? What is Canadian theatre once it has been influenced by other
forms, practices and idioms? Does this make us different from Latin American theatre artists
working around the world? We are addressing these questions as we create our work and
develop our artists.
The need to mine and transform our stories into theatrical experiences – communal experiences
– has encouraged us to create two core programs: the De Colores Festival of New Works, a
Canadian playwrights’ unit focused exclusively on Latin American writers, and our youth
program Nueva Voz where the next generation of Canadian Latin Americans can begin to tell
their stories. Our productions are where we showcase the work already developed through De
Colores and/or Nueva Voz, give professional experience to our artists and expose our
audiences to the Latin American experience in Canada.
Alameda Theatre Company:
• presents professionally staged works of Canadian Latin American playwrights and supports
the development of their works.
• creates and implements programs that engage with Canadian Latin American youth.
• makes Canadian Latin American theatre and culture accessible to everyone.
• trains and cultivates Canadian Latin American theatre artists through mentorship,
apprenticeship and development programs in order to provide opportunity and generate
(current) Playwrights: Carmen Aguirre- The Tina Modotti Project; Jose Arias- Arrested; Ari
Belathar- La Danza Del Venado; Alejandro Valbuena- Camilla’s Bones
October 11 & 12, 2012, Wychwood Barns Theatre
CHILE CON CARNE by Carmen Aguirre
March 30- April 14, 2013, Factory Studio Theatre
NUEVA VOZ: A Latino Youth Initiative
August, 2013, Wychwood Barns Theatre
2011-2012 THE INTRUDER by Amaranta Leyva
Workshop Production, 2011 Summerworks Theatre Festival
Playwrights: Martha Chaves, Staying Alive; Ari Belathar, La Danza del Venado;
Gilda Monreal, Ayelen; Aracey Reyes, The Anti-Romantic
NUEVA VOZ: A Latino Youth Initiative
January-June 2012, Wychwood Barns Theatre, Theatre Direct
Playwrights: Martha Chaves, Staying Alive; Amaranta Leyva, The Intruder; Marilo
Nuñez, Sangre Redux; Juan Carlos Velis, Further Beyond
2009-2010 THE REFUGEE HOTEL by Carmen Aguirre
World Premiere Production, in association with Theatre Passe Muraille
*Dora Nomination, Outstanding New Play, General Theatre
Playwrights: Emma Ari Beltran & Catherine Hernandez, Coyote; Victor Gomez,
Lizardboy; Amaranta Leyva, The Intruder; Michelle Amaya-Torres, My Secret
Playwrights: Carmen Aguirre, Blue Box; Victor Gomez, Lizardboy;
Jefferson Guzman, Sofie & Leo
THE REFUGEE HOTEL by Carmen Aguirre
Workshop Presentation, Lakeside Terrace, Harbourfront Centre
by Marilo Nuñez, 2006 Summerworks Theatre Festival
Message from the Artistic Director:
Manuelita’s story in Chile Con Carne could easily have been mine. I remember the first time I
read the script by Carmen Aguirre, I went through the gamut of emotions- I was laughing and
crying at the same time- because for the first time in my artistic life I had connected to a play so
deeply. This was the play I produced and starred in after graduating from Ryerson Theatre
School. It was a turning point for me, because it was during the 1999 production of Chile Con
Carne, directed by Guillermo Verdecchia, that the seeds for what Alameda Theatre Company is
today began.
The play deals with a young child’s perspective on exile and the immigrant/refugee experience
in Canada. Without being didactic, it paints a very true picture of childhood innocence set
against the brutality of war. Sadly, this story still resonates today, especially because Canada is
still a refuge from places in the world racked by wars and political violence. Chile Con Carne
talks to the experience of being from elsewhere and making a new life in Canada. What is
amazing about Carmen Aguirre’s writing is that in the specificity of the situation, one finds the
universality of the human condition. We can all relate to this quirky little girl who sits in her tree
day after day trying to make sense of her new world in Canada. We are all want to fit in, and we
all want to fight for the things we believe in with all of our hearts.
I am honoured to be remounting this play, this time as director. I feel qualified to direct this play
because it is in my body and under my skin. It has been for all of my life. 2013 marks the 40th
anniversary of Chile’s bloody military coup, which ousted democratically elected Socialist leader
Salvador Allende. The coup saw thousands of Chileans killed, tortured, imprisoned and
disappeared. Over 40,000 Chileans went into exile during the first years of repression, almost
half of those made Canada their home. This play commemorates the Chilean exiles living in
Canada. It talks directly to the next generations, the children of exiles who didn’t have a voice
during those early years. It is a universal play about innocence lost and a new sense of identity
gained in a country that gave much to the first political refugees coming from Latin America.
Marilo Nuñez, Artistic Director
Play Synopsis and Artist Bios
Chile Con Carne By Carmen Aguirre
Eight-year-old Manuelita is determined to save Cedar, her tree. Fuelled by her parents recent
experience as political refugees from Chile, Manuelita recruits her new friends from school to
campaign with her at all costs. A dark comedy set in Vancouver in 1975, Chile Con Carne paints a
portrait of childhood innocence stained by political upheaval, juxtaposed with blonde Barbie dolls,
disco dancing lessons and the struggle to fit in.
Manuelita’s story is told through anecdotes and the stories of a child who wants so badly to fit in at.
But her parents are Chilean refugees, they are political, they talk loudly in Spanish and they like to
hug. They embarrass her because she is an eight-year-old girl who wants more than anything to be
like everyone else. She tells us about her tree, Cedar, where she goes everyday after school to
watch the passersby. She writes letters to her grandmother in Chile and talks about wanting blonde
hair and for the cute boy in her class to notice her. But she suffers from sever posttraumatic stress
disorder, so she doesn’t talk much and pees herself when she feels stressed out. She tells us about
her father’s yearlong imprisonment and when the military raided her house. She sits alone in a Cedar
tree, to share her real feelings about her new life in Canada. By the end of the play, we see a little girl
who is fueled by her parent’s political awareness, to try and save her Cedar tree, which will be cut
down in a few days for a new apartment complex. She stages a protest with her new friends from
school and finally comes to accept whom she is, the child of Chilean refugees who is slowly making
a new life in Canada.
Carmen Aguirre (Playwright)
Carmen is a Vancouver-based theatre artist who has worked extensively across North and South
America. She has written and co-written twenty plays, including The Trigger, The Refugee Hotel, and
Blue Box, and is currently working on a new play entitled The Trial of Tina Modotti. She has over
sixty film, tv and stage acting credits, and her first book, Something Fierce: Memoirs of a
Revolutionary Daughter won CBC Canada Reads 2012 and is a #1 national bestseller. Carmen has
been nominated for a Dora Mavor Moore Award, four Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards, The
Siminovitch Prize, and numerous national and international literary awards for Something Fierce. She
received The 2011 Lorena Gale Woman of Distinction Award, presented by The Union of B.C.
Performers, and the 2012 Outstanding Alumni Award, presented by Langara College. Carmen is a
graduate of the prestigious theatre training program Studio 58, Langara College.
Lindsay Anne Black (Costume Designer)
Lindsay Anne has designed sets and costumes for theatre and dance of all sizes, both scripted and
devised. Selected projects include: The De Chardin Project (Quickening Theatre), This Lime Tree
Bower, Vincent River (Cart/Horse); This Must Be The Place The CN Tower Project, Those Who Can’t
Do, Roshni (Theatre Passe Muraille); Saucisse (Foo Productions); Sia (Cahoots Theatre Projects);
The Atomic Weight of Happiness (Stand Up Dance); Macbeth (Driftwood Theatre Group); Peter and
the Wolf, Birnam Wood, April 14 1912 (Theatre Rusticle); and she did that Mirvish show that one
time. She has regularly led workshops in high schools as well as at Canadian Stage, Tarragon
Theatre, and the Sears Drama Festival. Two of her costumes have been on display at the Design
Exchange, and she was the recipient of the 2007 Pauline McGibbon Award, as well as five Dora
Award nominations, though never a bride.
Diana Colavecchia (Costume Intern)
Diana Colavecchia is a wardrobe stylist and costume designer from Toronto. She received her
diploma in Theatre Production from Humber College, and upon graduation also received the
I.A.T.S.E Local 822 Wardrobe Award for outstanding achievement. In 2010, Diana got her start by
building costumes and dressing shows at Canada’s Wonderland. From here, she went on to work in
wardrobe crews for companies such as I.A.T.S.E 873, as well as Cirque du Soleil. She has also
volunteered with companies such as the Jane and Finch Community Centre, where she built a
mascot for their annual Rat Race for United Way, and Unique Dancewear, where she helped build
costumes for dance recitals. Diana is very passionate about what she does and loves all aspects of
costuming and wardrobe. She hopes that this career can continually bring her joy and fulfillment for
many days to come.
David DeGrow (Production Manager)
David is a manager various, lighting and set designer, and one of the Co-Artistic Directors of Theatre
Jones Roy. David was recently the Interim Production Manager at Theatre Passe Muraille, and was
Production Manager for TPM’s Theatre Beyond Walls season. Recent production management
includes: Gruesome Playground Injuries (Birdland), Almighty Voice and his Wife (Native Earth
Performing Arts - National Tour), The Pub Operas, (Tapestry New Opera Works) The Intruder
(Alameda Theatre), Landfill (Diaspora Dialogues - Doors Open Toronto).
Cameron Davis (Projection Designer)
Recent Theatre Credits: Every Letter Counts (Factory Theatre); Mr. Baxter (Quickening Theatre);
Feng Yi Ting (Spoleto Festival USA/Lincoln Center Festival); Crash (Theatre Passe Muraille); Cruel
and Tender (Canadian Stage) Recent Radio, Film & TV Credits: Adoration (Ego Film Arts) Other:
Cameron teaches a Video Masterclass at the National Theatre School of Canada.
Flavia Hevia (Set & Lighting Design)
Flavia Hevia was raised in Mexico City, she now lives in Montreal. She has dedicated her life to art
and design: in theatre as a Set and Lighting Designer; and in the visual arts creating art objects,
drawings and paintings. Her visual art has been presented in exhibitions in México and Canada.
Flavia is a graduate of the NTS Lighting Design Program; she has designed for theatre in Latin and
North America and Europe. Amongst many others, her work includes the set design for Traces,
which ran for a year Off Broadway and was named by Time Magazine as one of 2011’s 10 Best
shows; the opera Tosca presented at the San Luis Potosi Festival, Guadalajara and The Palace of
Fine Arts in Mexico City, and “LEO” a Montreal/Berlin coproduction which won many awards,
including the prestigious Carol Tambor BEST OF EDINBURGH Award, at the Edinburgh Fringe
Festival in 2011. Flavia is currently working on a puppet show inspired by texts of the writer Roberto
Bolaño that will be part of Alameda Theatre Company’s The De Colores Festival in 2013.
Fiona Jones (Stage Manager)
Previous Alameda credits include: The Intruder, De Colores Festival 2009, 2011 and 2012.
Selected credits include: Trudeau Stories (Long Black Car); Queen Marie (4th Line Theatre); Prisoner
of Tehran (Contrary Company); Bitter Girl (Marquis Entertainment); April 14, 1912, Birnam Wood and
The Stronger... Variations, (Theatre Rusticle); Such Creatures, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Beast
on the Moon, and Sleeproom (Theatre Passe Muraille); Mourning Dove (Ark Collective); Death of a
Chief (Native Earth/ NAC); Get Stuffed, Elijah’s Kite (Tapestry New Opera); Banana Boys, Trout
Stanley, Cold Meat Party, Tiger of Malaya, Home is My Road and Belle (Factory Theatre); An Acre of
Time, The Road to Hell, The Wines of Tuscany, one word and The Retreat (Tarragon Theatre); The
Danish Play and Smudge (Nightwood Theatre)
Edgardo Moreno (Music & Sound Design)
Edgardo Moreno is a composer specializing in film and contemporary dance. He has been
commissioned for projects in Canada, Venezuela, Mexico, Sweden, England and USA. He has
written scores for films produced by CBC, Bravo, City TV, NFB, Discovery and History Channel. He
lives and plays in Toronto. Visit for more information on Edgardo.
Marilo Nuñez (Director)
Marilo Nuñez is a playwright, director and producer. Founder and Artistic Director of Alameda
Theatre Company, a company mandated to produce and develop Canadian theatre with a distinct
Latin American perspective, she has developed programs such as the De Colores Festival of New
Works, Nueva Voz: A Latino Youth Initiative. Currently: writing El Retorno/I Return (part of the 2012-
13 Tarragon Playwright’s Unit), and Sangre:Redux an adaptation loosely based on Lorca’s Blood
Wedding (part of the 2010 De Colores Festival of New Works and Cahoot’s 2010-11 Hot House
Playwright’s Unit). Directing: Chile Con Carne (Alameda Theatre Company), Hallaj (Assistant
Director/Modern Times/Soheil Parsa). Producing: The Refugee Hotel (in association with Theatre
Passe Muraille/Carmen Aguirre- Best New Play Dora nomination), Chile Con Carne (4 Devils
Prod./Guillermo Verdecchia). Marilo has been an actor on stage and film/tv. In 2013, Playwright’s
Canada Press will publish her first play Three Fingered Jack & the Legend of Joaquin Murieta, in
Fronteras Vivientes (Living Borders), a first Canadian anthology of Latin American playwrights.
Paloma Nuñez (Actor: Manuelita)
Paloma Nuñez is thrilled to be working with the Alameda Theatre Co. again! She was most recently
seen in Alameda’s production of The Intruder, in which she played a child dealing with the break-up
of her family and the introduction of a new man into the house. In Chile Con Carne, Paloma is
delighted to play a child again, one who has been uprooted from her home and transported to a
new country (Little-known fact: BOTH things happened to Paloma in her real life). Next she is hoping
someone asks her to play a famous actress - perhaps that too will come true! Paloma can also be
found at the Second City Training Centre, where she teaches improvisation to bold and wonderful
students! Currently, she is understudying for the Second City's National Touring Company and
performs with a mega-talented group, The Repertory Players from the Bad Dog Theatre Co.
Recently, Paloma co-produced and performed in Throne of Games, a production that was part of
the Next Stage Festival in January 2013. Don't miss Paloma this April and May, playing Cersei
Lannister in Season 2 of Throne of Games, at Comedy Bar. Paloma's entire bio could be composed
of people she would love to thank, so here is a shorter list: Marilo Nuñez, Sigrid Velis, Kevin "sexy"
Whalen, Fiona Jones, Carmen Aguirre - Thank you all for taking a chance on me.
Clare Preuss (Movement Coach)
Clare Preuss is a multidisciplinary theatre artist who has collaborated with innovative and award
winning theatres across Canada including: Alameda, Artistic Fraud of Newfoundland, b current, The
Blyth Festival, Buddies in Bad Times, Cahoots, Carlos Bulosan, Driftwood, Factory, fu-GEN, Young
People’s Theatre, Native Earth Performing Arts, New Harlem Productions, Nightwood, Te-Amim
Music Theatre, Theatre Direct Canada, Threshold, Union Eight and Volcano among others. Her
work has been seen at Canadian festivals such as Hysteria, Mayworks, Next Stage, OTHERfolk,
Rhubarb, SpringWorks, SummerWorks and Magnetic North. Clare is delighted to collaborate with
Alameda on Chile Con Carne.
Sigrid Velis (Producer)
Sigrid Velis is an actor, producer and arts administrator. She has appeared in various independent
theatre productions in Toronto and in her hometown of London, ON. She has toured around the
United States with Kid’s Entertainment/King Cole Theatrical’s production of Stellaluna. For the past
three years, Sigrid has been the Associate Producer for Alameda’s De Colores Festival of New
Works as well as their 2011 SummerWorks production of The Intruder. Sigrid would like to continue
training in different disciplines in theatre and is excited for the many opportunities that may come her
way. She is currently the Associate Producer and Administrator at Alameda Theatre Company.
Jessica Esmeralda Zepeda (Producing Intern)
Jessica Esmeralda Zepeda is Salvadorian Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. She has
participated in Alameda’s 2012 De Colores Festival and has performed with dance company Loco7
from New York. Currently, she is interning for Alameda Theatre Company and was most recently
seen in The Last Walk of Adolfo Ich by Marion de Vries presented at The Defending Dissent
conference in Ottawa in association with Aluna Theatre. Jessica would like to thank her family,
friends, and educators across the Pan-American for guiding her through this complicated thing we call
Toronto Star:
Diversity in Canadian theatre (2009)
Review: The Intruder (Summerworks 2011)
NOW Magazine:
Stage Scenes: 2012 De Colores Festival
Preview: 2011 De Colores Festival of New Works
Preview: 2010 De Colores Festival of New Works
Preview: The Refugee Hotel
Review: The Refugee Hotel NNNN
Spotlight: Marilo Nuñez,38,2008
Mooney on Theatre:
Review: 2012 De Colores Festival of New Works
Review: 2011 De Colores Festival of New Works
Review: The Refugee Hotel
Mercado News:
Feature: 2011 De Colores Festival of New Works
Article: Feature on Alameda Theatre Company and Marilo Nuñez
Dialogos Magazine:
Feature: Alameda Theatre Company
El Popular:
Feature: 2011 De Colores Festival of New Works (Spanish)
El Correo Canadiense:
Feature: 2010 De Colores Festival of New Works (Spanish)
Talon Books
Promotional Videos
Playwright Interview
Playwright Carmen Aguire discusses the history of Chile Con Carne with artistic director Marilo Nuñez.
Chile Con Carne Press Kit
Click below to download a PDF press kit for Chile Con Carne
Click below to download production stills from the show
| “bursting with poignancy… Paloma Nuñez is charming and outstanding as the eight year old Manuelita. ...Nunez transitions from one emotional state to the next with the grace and precision of a figure skater. Chile Con Carne provides an important and excellent voice for the disenfranchised, the disposed and anyone who has ever yearned to belong.” The Charlebois Post “…make(s) for a truly endearing piece of theatre... Plays with a political backdrop sometimes have the tendency to become lecture-like….this is NOT THAT! is a story of a very special, spirited young girl…” The Globe and Mail - *** (3 stars / 4) “…vividly captures the feelings of a child torn between two worlds. ...a welcome revival from Alameda Theatre Company… giving a first glimpse into the beginnings of a fiery young revolutionary. …a very funny political allegory…energetic and passioate" Toronto Star *** (3 stars / 4) “Clear-eyed and unsentimental… …sharply observed tension [that] makes Chile Con Carne the play it is.” “…in this Alameda Theatre production…its universal themes and conflicts still resonate strongly.” Stage Door by Christopher Hoile-**** (4 stars / 5) “…the play has not dated at all- perhaps because it embodies so well the experience of any child caught between the demands of two cultures. ...All of these complexities Aguirre shows us through the innocent eyes of her protagonist played with infinite charm and sympathy by Paloma Nuñez. …imbued with cultural and political implications… …a wonderful creation, beautifully acted…Manuelita is someone you will be glad to meet.”
This production is generously supported by:
Media Sponsors:
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Friday, April 12, 2013
ALAMEDA THEATRE IN TORONTO: Chile Con Carne, by Carmen Aguirre, April 2 - 14, 2013
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