
Friday, November 2, 2018

TOP PAPERS FROM YOUR NEWSFEED Summary report of the global consultation on the inclusive education and access to health of LGBTI+ youth around the world

Dr. Mark Osama  IghileDr. Mark Osama Ighile
Benson Idahosa UniversityEnglish, Faculty Member

Gabrielle RichardGabrielle Richard
UPECObservatoire universitaire international éducation et prévention, Post-Doc
The following data result from a global consultation on the inclusive education and access to health of LGBTI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, as well as non-binary, queer, pansexual and questioning) youth around the world. This initiative from French association MAG Jeunes LGBT, with the support of UNESCO, aims at presenting the voices of LGBTI+ children and young people and their vision on how to make the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development more inclusive for themselves, with a special focus on sustainable development goals 4 (quality education) and 3 (good health and...

Paulo  de AssisPaulo de Assis
Orpheus InstituteMusicExperiment21Faculty Member

Grant  WiedenfeldGrant Wiedenfeld
Sam Houston State UniversityMass Communication, Faculty Member

Theodoros  LotisTheodoros Lotis
Ionian UniversityDepartment of Music Studies, Faculty Member
The paper focuses on specific issues that arise from the use of a soundscape of a terrorist attack in music composition and its performative, social and ethical implications. It examines ways of transforming a disastrous event into an artistic statement which will be communicated in the listening context of a concert space. Among these issues are: how such unfortunate and devastating events can gestate powerful expressions of sonic art? Moreover, in which ways the electroacoustic medium can communicate a catastrophic event with impact on the social psyche-such as the defacement and...

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