Presidenta Bachelet arriba a Tongoy, una de las zonas más afectadas por el tsunami
17 de septiembre
Deadly 8.3-magnitude earthquake rocks Chile, triggering tsunami advisories
Posted Sep 17, 2015 6:26 am PDT
Last Updated Sep 17, 2015 at 6:27 am PDT
A damaged store is seen after a large earthquake in Concon, some 110 kilometres northwest of Santiago, Chile, on Sept. 16, 2015. GETTY IMAGES/AFP/Vladimir Rodas
Thousands of residents of the small city of Concón in northern Chile were sleeping outside Thursday after a powerful earthquake destroyed their homes, a tremor that also forced more than 1 million to evacuate and killed eight people in the quake-prone South American nation.
Several coastal towns were flooded from small tsunami waves set off by the late Wednesday quake, which shook the Earth so strongly that rumbles were felt across South America.
The magnitude-8.3 quake that hit off northern Chile on Wednesday night lasted for three minutes, causing buildings to sway in the capital, Santiago, and prompting authorities to issue a tsunami warning for the Andean nation’s entire Pacific coast. People sought safety in the streets of inland cities, while others along the shore took to their cars to race to higher ground.
“I thought it was the end of the world and we were going to die,” said teary-eyed Manuel Moya, 38, sleeping with his wife on the ground outside their destroyed home in Illapel, 280 kilometres north of Santiago and 55 kilometres east of the quake’s epicenter. The town and surrounding areas have about 35,000 residents.
Moya said he and his wife were in bed and watching television when the quake hit. Fearing they would be killed if they remained inside, they ran outside in their underwear. By the end of the shaking, their home, made of concrete, had been reduced to rubble.
“They said it was a magnitude 8 but it felt like a 10,” said Moya, adding that neighbours had brought them clothes.
Speaking to the nation late Wednesday, President Michelle Bachelet urged people who had been evacuated to stay on high ground until authorities could fully evaluate the situation. Officials said schools would be closed in most of the country Thursday.
In the past year, the nation of 17 million has endured devastating floods in the north, wildfires in the south and two volcano eruptions.
“Once again we must confront a powerful blow from nature,” said Bachelet.
Authorities said eight people had been killed, a number that could climb as emergency crews are able to get into hard-hit areas on Thursday. Mahmud Aleuy, the Interior Ministry’s deputy secretary, said 1 million people were forced out of their homes and electrical power was cut off to 240,000 households.
Numerous aftershocks, including one at magnitude-7 and four above 6, shook the region after the initial earthquake — the strongest tremor since a powerful quake and tsunami killed hundreds in 2010 and levelled part of the city of Concepcion in south-central Chile.
Tsunami advisories were in effect for Hawaii and parts of California. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center originally issued a tsunami watch for Hawaii but downgraded the alert to an advisory. Tsunami warnings in Chile were lifted early Thursday.
Although officials cautioned it was too early to know for sure, it appeared Wednesday’s quake had a much smaller impact than the 2010 tremor. Chile’s traditionally strong risk-reduction measures and emergency planning have gotten better in the past five years.
“Earthquake impact is a little like real estate: what matters is location, location, location,” said Susan Hough, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey. “But it is true that preparedness and risk reduction in Chile is ahead of that in much of the world, and that makes a difference.”
The tremor was so strong that people in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the other side of the continent, felt it. People in Peru and Brazil also reported feeling the shakes. No injuries were reported outside of Chile.
Claudio Moreno was in a Santiago bar when the quake hit. The shaking was powerful, but more worrisome was how long it lasted, he said.
“We went out in the street when we felt it was going on too long,” he said. “It was more than a minute.”
A magnitude-8.8 quake and ensuing tsunami in south-central Chile in 2010 killed more than 500 people, destroyed 220,000 homes, and washed away docks, riverfronts and seaside resorts. That quake released so much energy it actually it shortened the Earth’s day by a fraction of a second by changing the planet’s rotation.
The quake had huge ramifications, both political and practical, prompting the Andean nation to improve its alert systems for both quakes and tsunamis.
While Wednesday’s tremor was strong by any estimation, the 2010 quake was 5.6 times more powerful in terms of energy released, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Chile is one of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries because just off the coast the Nazca tectonic plate plunges beneath the South American plate, pushing the towering Andes cordillera to ever-higher altitudes. The strongest earthquake ever recorded on Earth happened in Chile _ a magnitude-9.5 tremor in 1960 that killed more than 5,000 people.
Associated Press writers Eva Vergara Associated Press writers Eva Vergara and Patricia Luna in Santiago, Debora Rey and Peter Prengaman in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Seth Borenstein in Washington contributed to this report.
Several coastal towns were flooded from small tsunami waves set off by the late Wednesday quake, which shook the Earth so strongly that rumbles were felt across South America.
The magnitude-8.3 quake that hit off northern Chile on Wednesday night lasted for three minutes, causing buildings to sway in the capital, Santiago, and prompting authorities to issue a tsunami warning for the Andean nation’s entire Pacific coast. People sought safety in the streets of inland cities, while others along the shore took to their cars to race to higher ground.
“I thought it was the end of the world and we were going to die,” said teary-eyed Manuel Moya, 38, sleeping with his wife on the ground outside their destroyed home in Illapel, 280 kilometres north of Santiago and 55 kilometres east of the quake’s epicenter. The town and surrounding areas have about 35,000 residents.
Moya said he and his wife were in bed and watching television when the quake hit. Fearing they would be killed if they remained inside, they ran outside in their underwear. By the end of the shaking, their home, made of concrete, had been reduced to rubble.
“They said it was a magnitude 8 but it felt like a 10,” said Moya, adding that neighbours had brought them clothes.
Speaking to the nation late Wednesday, President Michelle Bachelet urged people who had been evacuated to stay on high ground until authorities could fully evaluate the situation. Officials said schools would be closed in most of the country Thursday.
In the past year, the nation of 17 million has endured devastating floods in the north, wildfires in the south and two volcano eruptions.
“Once again we must confront a powerful blow from nature,” said Bachelet.
Authorities said eight people had been killed, a number that could climb as emergency crews are able to get into hard-hit areas on Thursday. Mahmud Aleuy, the Interior Ministry’s deputy secretary, said 1 million people were forced out of their homes and electrical power was cut off to 240,000 households.
Numerous aftershocks, including one at magnitude-7 and four above 6, shook the region after the initial earthquake — the strongest tremor since a powerful quake and tsunami killed hundreds in 2010 and levelled part of the city of Concepcion in south-central Chile.
Tsunami advisories were in effect for Hawaii and parts of California. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center originally issued a tsunami watch for Hawaii but downgraded the alert to an advisory. Tsunami warnings in Chile were lifted early Thursday.
Although officials cautioned it was too early to know for sure, it appeared Wednesday’s quake had a much smaller impact than the 2010 tremor. Chile’s traditionally strong risk-reduction measures and emergency planning have gotten better in the past five years.
“Earthquake impact is a little like real estate: what matters is location, location, location,” said Susan Hough, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey. “But it is true that preparedness and risk reduction in Chile is ahead of that in much of the world, and that makes a difference.”
The tremor was so strong that people in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the other side of the continent, felt it. People in Peru and Brazil also reported feeling the shakes. No injuries were reported outside of Chile.
Claudio Moreno was in a Santiago bar when the quake hit. The shaking was powerful, but more worrisome was how long it lasted, he said.
“We went out in the street when we felt it was going on too long,” he said. “It was more than a minute.”
A magnitude-8.8 quake and ensuing tsunami in south-central Chile in 2010 killed more than 500 people, destroyed 220,000 homes, and washed away docks, riverfronts and seaside resorts. That quake released so much energy it actually it shortened the Earth’s day by a fraction of a second by changing the planet’s rotation.
The quake had huge ramifications, both political and practical, prompting the Andean nation to improve its alert systems for both quakes and tsunamis.
While Wednesday’s tremor was strong by any estimation, the 2010 quake was 5.6 times more powerful in terms of energy released, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Chile is one of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries because just off the coast the Nazca tectonic plate plunges beneath the South American plate, pushing the towering Andes cordillera to ever-higher altitudes. The strongest earthquake ever recorded on Earth happened in Chile _ a magnitude-9.5 tremor in 1960 that killed more than 5,000 people.
Associated Press writers Eva Vergara Associated Press writers Eva Vergara and Patricia Luna in Santiago, Debora Rey and Peter Prengaman in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Seth Borenstein in Washington contributed to this report.
17 de septiembre de 2015 14:54
"Lo que hemos visto es que las estructuras han reaccionado con la rapidez necesaria agradecer a las personas porque cooperaron y evacuaron y se evitó lo que pudo ser una tragedia mucho mayor. Siento que nuestra tarea frente a toda situación es enfrentarla y levantar el paÃs de nuevo
el tsunami ha tenido un efecto devastador en muchas familias", expresó la jefa de Estado.
el tsunami ha tenido un efecto devastador en muchas familias", expresó la jefa de Estado.
17 de septiembre de 2015 14:52
"Sin duda sientes que nuevamente ahora la naturaleza los toca por eso ahora estamos acá para escucharlos", añadió la Mandataria.
17 de septiembre de 2015 14:51
Bachelet desde Tongoy: "pudimos desde el aire observar (…) entendemos el tremendo dolor porque hace poco tiempo atrás por las marejadas los pescadores perdieron mucho"
17 de septiembre de 2015 14:49
"Es mucho más el daño que nosotros pensábamos (...) por suerte no hay muchas desgracias que lamentar, salvo una persona que está desaparecida según nos dice la gente de acá y están tratando de identificar y saber si es así", añadió el senador.
17 de septiembre de 2015 14:48
El senador y timonel de la DC, Jorge Pizarro, acompaña a la Presidenta Bachelet en Tongoy. "es muy impresionante, venimos de Coquimbo el sector de la caleta estaba muy mal (…) en Tongoy hace muchos años que no se veía una cosas así, desde el año 67 que no se venía una subida de marea así", señaló a radio Cooperativa.
AHORA | Ministro Céspedes junto a la Presidenta Bachelet visitan consultorio de Tongoy afectado por la catástrofe
17 de septiembre de 2015 14:39
La Presidenta Michelle Bachelet llega en helicóptero a Tongoy.
La Tercera
#LTenVivo | Bolivia ofrece a autoridades chilenas "todo el apoyo" tras terremoto
Gobierno de Chile
"Esta emergencia nos demuestra que la institucionalidad ha ido mejorando y que hubo una respuesta rápida" Pdta. Bachelet #GobiernoInforma
Gobierno de Chile
"Estamos en terreno conociendo los problemas. Mi compromiso es que trabajaremos lo más rápido posible", Pdta. en Coquimbo #GobiernoInforma
17 de septiembre de 2015 14:10
Audio entre Onemi y SHOA confirmando la hora y la magnitud del terremoto (Gentileza Mega)
Andrés Gómez- Lobo
Terminal de buses interurbanos La Serena con alta congestión debido a reprogramación de servicios de anoche. Se regularizará durante el día
Andrés Gómez- Lobo
Coquimbo: terminal de buses operativo pero por cierre de calles no ingresan buses interurbanos. Estos toman y dejan pasajeros n Calle Varela
Andrés Gómez- Lobo
Illapel hay servicios de taxi colectivos operando pero pocos pasajeros. Algo similar ocurre en Ovalle
Constatando en terreno enormes daños x Terremoto y Tsunami en #Coquimbo "Fuerza y Coraje" Coquimbanos
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:59
"Los tiempos ocupados por el Shoa y el Centro Sismológico Nacional fueron mínimos, y eso permitió decretar la alarma de tsunami de inmediato", indicó el director de la Onemi.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:58
"Se ha trabajado, hay cuadrillas de reparación, mantenemos 87.653 clientes sin suministro eléctrico y 9.070 sin agua potable en la zona de la emergencia", señala el director de la Onemi.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:57
Ricardo Toro indica además que se está evaluando si se decreta estado excepción constitucional.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:57
"Quiero destacar que esto es parte de las actividades de prevención y de entrenamiento de la población, todos tomaron las alternativas de evacuar a zonas de seguridad", agrega el director de la Onemi, Ricardo Toro.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:56
"Los alcaldes son los que tienen que informar de qué daños tienen en sus localidades", señala el director de la Onemi.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:55
Ricardo Toro agrega que los sistemas de emergencia funcionaron en el momento del terremoto.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:55
"Tenemos dos sistemas de alerta, una es por mensajes y en aquellas regiones donde hay sirenas, se activan y se refuerza con las sirenas de bomberos, carabineros y ambulancias", explica el director de la Onemi.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:55
Ricardo Toro
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:54
"La Ruta 5 está despejada salvo por algunos puentes específicos", agregó el director de la Onemi.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:52
Víctor Torres Bugueño, es la identidad de la persona número 11 que se suma a la lista de fallecidos tras el terremoto.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:52
Están todos los heridos fuera de peligro, agrega el director de la Onemi.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:51
"Denuncias por presunta desgracia no hay, personas heridas 9, albergados 428, damnificados 610, viviendas daño menor habitable 288, daño mayor no habitable 175 y destruidas 179", señala el director de la Onemi.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:50
"Aumentó a 11 el número de fallecidos y se identificó a la víctima que no sabíamos en la mañana"
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:50
Aumentó el número de fallecidos a 11 personas, señala el director de la Onemi.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:50
Ahora Ricardo Toro, director de la Onemi, entrega reporte de la catástrofe
Vialidad de @MOPCoquimbo realizó cuña asfáltica en sector del pte. Culebrón para nivelar pavimento de #Ruta5, salida norte de #Coquimbo
La Tercera
Se decretan medidas excepcionales en el comercio en zonas de catástrofe
Gendarmería de Chile
AHORA. Director regional de Coquimbo supervisa instalaciones en CDP Illapel tras #terremoto @MinjuChile
En hospital de Illapel, no hay mayores daños. Solo 1 sala cerrada por precaución. No hay pacientes en riesgo
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:28
La Municipalidad de Santiago informa: "Dada la situación que ha enfrentado el país en las últimas horas -y por respeto a las personas que están sufriendo y que han perdido a seres queridos o que se encuentran en las zonas afectadas- se ha decidido cambiar el formato de la ceremonia inaugural y reemplazarla por un breve acto simbólico a las 20.30 horas".
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:27
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:24
La Presidenta Bachelet se encuentra reunida en estos momentos con familias damnificadas en Coquimbo.
FC Barcelona CAS
El FC Barcelona manda toda la fuerza y ánimo a los fans tras el terremoto sufrido en las últimas horas
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:22
La Cámara Nacional de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Chile (informó que, a partir de una evaluación preliminar, no existirían daños estructurales en grandes establecimientos comerciales y supermercados.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:17
El director de la Onemi, Ricardo Toro, entregará un nuevo reporte tras el Comité de Emergencia que se realizó a las 13.30 horas.
Delcy Rodríguez
Venezuela se solidariza con pueblo chileno ante intenso terremoto…
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:06
En este momento, la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet recorre las calles de Coquimbo, donde escucha las principales necesidades de los afectados por el terremoto.
17 de septiembre de 2015 13:06
El fundador de Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, envió su apoyo a Chile tras terremoto: "Mis pensamientos están con todos quienes vivieron este devastador desastre".
Seremi MOP Coquimbo
DOP reporta daños estructurales en Caleta de Coquimbo, se sigue monitoreando situación de caletas al sur de la región. @mop_chile
En ONEMI se reúne Mesa Técnica en evaluación de afectación por sismo de mayor intensidad
(PRELIMINAR) Centro Sismológico Nacional indica que la magnitud del sismo fue 5.2 Richter, localizado 45 Kms al Oeste de Canela Baja
17 de septiembre de 2015 12:58
La Dirección del Trabajo sancionó a la empresa Líder por 60 UTM por infracción a las normas de salud y seguridad de los trabajadores e impedir su evacuación.
MinDesarrollo Social
Gabinete de @dsocial_gob y servicios coordinan las acciones a implementar en zona de catástrofe
17 de septiembre de 2015 12:51
El ministro de Obras Públicas agrega en Cooperativa que no hay agua potable en Illapel y Salamanca.
RECTIFICACIÓN del Centro Sismológico Nacional indica que la magnitud del sismo fue 5.3 Richter, localizado 20 Km al Norte de Paihuano
17 de septiembre de 2015 12:47
El ministro de Obras Públicas, Alberto Undurraga, asegura en radio Cooperativa que el principal acceso a Illapel está funcionando sin problemas.
La Tercera
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