Jose Arlen Beltrão de Matos1,2 arleneducacaofi sica@hotmail.com
Felipe Jose Aidar1,4 fjaidar@gmail.com
Ricardo Rodrigues Mendes1,2 arleneducacaofi sica@hotmail.com
Lomeu de Malaquias Lômeu1,2 arleneducacaofi sica@hotmail.com
César Augusto Santos1,3 arleneducacaofi sica@hotmail.com
Rodrigo Pains1 rodrigopains@uol.com.br
António José Silva1 ajsilva@utad.pt
Victor Machado Reis1 vreis@utad.pt
Matos JAB, Aidar FJ, Mendes RR, Lômeu LM, Santos CA, Pains R, et al. Acceleration capacity in futsal and soccer players. Fit Perf J. 2008 Jul-
Copyright© 2008 por Colégio Brasileiro de Atividade Física, Saúde e Esporte
EISSN 1676-5133
Fit Perf J. 2008 Jul-Aug;7(4):224-8.
Fit Perf J | Rio de Janeiro | 7 | 4 | 224-228 | Jul/Aug 2008
Introduction: Soccer and futsal present proper characteristics, with a complex variety of factors that can influence the performance. The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the acceleration capacity between soccer and futsal players.
Materials and Methods: 37 volunteers (n=37), being 12 athletes from Minas Gerais state futsal team, and 25 soccer athletes of the youth category. For the analysis of the acceleration capacity, a photocell equipment with photoelectric sensor was used. The photocells were placed in the beginning of the sprint and 10m from it.
The established level of significance in this study was of p<0 .05.="" font="">0>
Results: the results in the speed test of 10m indicated differences between the two groups, with better results for the futsal athletes.
Discussion: the futsal players were faster than the soccer players. The result corroborates previous literature, when verified that starts in high intensity happen more frequently in the futsal modality, in relation to the soccer modality.
Acceleration, Soccer, Running.
1 Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - UTAD - Vila Real - Portugal
2 Universidade Presidente António Carlos - UNIPAC - Teófi lo Otoni - Brazil
3 Universidade Estadual do Pará - UEPA - Belém - Brazil
4 Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Minas Gerais - CBMMG - Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Fit Perf J. 2008 Jul-Aug;7(4):224-8. 225
Introdução: O futebol de campo e o futsal apresentam características próprias, com complexa variedade de fatores que podem influenciar o desempenho. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e comparar a capacidade de aceleração entre jogadores de futebol de campo e futsal.
Materiais e Métodos: Participaram deste estudo 37 voluntários, sendo 12 atletas da seleção mineira de futsal e 25 atletas de futebol de campo da categoria juvenil. Para análise da capacidade de aceleração foram utilizadas aparelhagens de fotocélulas com sensor fotoelétrico. As fotocélulas foram posicionadas no início do sprint e aos 10m. O nível de significância estabelecido nesse estudo foi de p<0 font="">0>
Resultados: Os resultados no teste de velocidade de 10m indicaram diferença entre os dois grupos, com melhores resultados para os atletas de futsal.
Discussão: Os jogadores de futsal foram mais velozes que os jogadores de futebol de campo. O resultado corrobora a literatura, verificando-se que arranques em alta intensidade acontecem com mais freqüência na modalidade de futsal em relação à modalidade de futebol de campo.
Aceleração, Futebol, Corrida.
Introducción: el fútbol de campo y el fútbol sala presentan características propias, con compleja variedad de factores que pueden influenciar el desempeño. El objetivo de este estudio fue a analizar y comparar la capacidad de aceleración entre jugadores de fútbol de campo y fútbol sala.
Materiales y Métodos: Participaron de este estudio 37 voluntarios (n=37), siendo 12 atletas de la selección mineira de fútbol sala y 25 atletas de fútbol de campo de la categoría juvenil. Para análisis de la capacidad de aceleración habían sido utilizadas herramientas de fotocélulas con sensor fotoeléctrico. Las fotocélulas habían sido posicionadas en el inicio del sprint y a los 10m. El nivel de acepción establecido en ese estudio fue de p<0 font="">0>
Resultado: Los resultados en el test de velocidad de 10m indicaron diferencia entre los dos grupos, con mejores resultados para los atletas de fútbol sala.
Discusión: Los jugadores de fútbol sala fueron más veloces que los jugadores de fútbol de campo. El resultado corrobora la literatura, verificándose que arranques en alta intensidad acontecen con más frecuencia en la modalidad de fútbol sala en relación a la modalidad de fútbol de campo.
Aceleración, Fútbol, Carrera.
Soccer and futsal are sports modalities with their own characteristics, in which there is a complex variety of factors that can influence the performance of a team. Sports’ Science has contributed in a significant and decisive way, related to each sport, evaluating its characteristics, physical and motor requirements, athletes’ profiles, improving and developing more efficient training methods, which aim at achieving better performance and results.
The constant changes of rules and the physical, technique and tactic evolution of futsal teams, are turning the
match into a more dynamic and competitive activity, in which the player faces two basic situations that are defined by the possession of the ball. When the player has the ball, the athletes play the function of strikers; without the possession of the ball, they become defenders. Due to the requirements of the match, the athlete performs a strong marking to get the ball back, and soon after they recover it, he goes to an offensive action, using demarcation, accelerations, dribbles, passes and finalizations.
The Futsal players basically need endurance, speed, located muscular resistance and muscular potency1. The current studies suggest that the physiological characteristics tend to present an important role for the performance in high efficiency soccer, interfering in the ranking of the Greek championship2. The speed of the race is placed amongst the indicators that can differentiate the performance of players3, besides agility, balance, flexibility, coordination and rhythm, which also constitute very important qualities. In contrast, futsal evidences, in its practice, some physical qualities which are considered essential, such as aerobic resistance, alactic and lactic anaerobic resistance, localized muscular resistance, potency, time of reaction, flexibility and speed 4,5. The speed has been fundamental in decisive moments of each match, because it is through it that innumerable championships are determined and athletes are consecrated for arriving at the right moment and place before their oponents2.
The performance of the soccer player is determined by many abilities, capacities and qualities that are completely interdependent 6,7. In this sense, soccer has been presenting itself as a sport that is characterized by fast and short movements, in which the displacement with and without the ball demands a high level of physical qualities: explosive strength and aerobic capacity 3,8,9,10.
These requirements are manifested through brusque impulse, sprint, races, jumps, dribbles and fakes2. Inside different determinant factors of the performance in a soccer and in a futsal match, the development level of the physical capacities can be considered a factor of fundamental importance for the athlete’s performance, being the speed a highly decisive component for a good performance during a match, reaching a detached place in the training11.
The differences which exist in many sports make the manifestations for qualities to be different. This implies that the speed of futsal players is specific and manifested in three forms: reaction speed; gesture speed and acceleration speed12.
The speed capacities of soccer players are specific and are manifested in several ways5: in the speed reaction, in matches situations, and the constant position exchanges; in the ability to develop the maximum speed, starting from different initial positions; and fast changes in directions and accelerations.
The explosive impulse, free race, overlapping, fast dribble and sudden impulse, after the one-two, demand high acceleration capacity. It is verified, then, that such situations are present in a match or, simply, in a play or action of soccer and futsal modalities13. In this sense, information about the acceleration capacity and performance in quick actions are important aspects to be considered, due to peculiar characteristics of soccer and futsal matches.
226 Fit Perf J. 2008 Jul-Aug;7(4):224-8.
37 volunteers (n=37), being 12 athletes from Minas Gerais state futsal team (2003), and 25 soccer athletes of the youth category of Cruzeiro Esporte Clube. Table 1 describes the characteristics of the sample. The citizens were informed about the study and all of them signed the authorization term according to the norms of the Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council for research involving human beings and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinke of 1975 and the addendum of 2000.
The material used in the research, for the analysis of the acceleration capacity, was a photocell equipment of
the brand Multipsy series 821 (Frankfurt, Germany). This mechanism has a photoelectric sensor that catches the passage of something or somebody that moves between two tripods which are place in front of each other, in accurate height and direction, registering the time in each passage. With the total of two pairs, the photocells are activated through the interruption of an invisible barrier of rays and were used to determine the necessary time to cross an established distance9.
Photocells with double transmitters and receivers were used. For the analysis of the acceleration capacity, a 10m in straight-line distance, departing from the resting point, was used. The photocells were located at the beginning (extremity) of the sprint (0m) and 10m.
After a previous training with 15min of duration before the data collection, tests were executed on cement square, using a system of double photocells and a specific program developed by the Institute of Sciences of Sports in Frankfurt to measure the athletes’ speed in a distance of 10m. The test required that the athlete performed a leaving from the rest point and facing the path. Three attempts were accomplished to make statistical calculations.
The statistical package SPSS version 10.0 was used for the data treatment. First, the normality of the sample
through the Shapiro Wilk test was verified. After that, a descriptive analysis for characterization of the sample and the investigated variable was accomplished. The mean of the three attempts accomplished in the acceleration test (10m) was used for this descriptive analysis. For comparison of the means between the groups, the Mann Whitney test was used. The level of significance established in this study was of p<0 .05.="" font="">0>
Table 1 - Anthropometry characterization of the samples n(mean±sd)
Soccer Futsal age (years) 16.16 ± 0.55 18.31 ± 0.75
Body mass (kg) 69.84 ± 8.40 72.16 ± 10.29
Height (cm) 174 ± 10 177 ± 9
Table 2 - Values of T10m (seconds)
n mean ± sd minimum maximum
T 10m Soccer 25 1.79 ± 0.07
T 10m Futsal 12 1.53 ± 0.23* 1.29 1.86
* p<0 font="">0>
Fit Perf J. 2008 Jul-Aug;7(4):224-8. 227
Table 2 presents the mean and the standard deviation of T10m values. There was a significant difference. The performance mean of futsal athletes was 1.53s and 1.79s for the soccer athletes.
According to the results obtained in the speed test of 10m, the race time was different between the two groups.
Futsal athletes presented better results than soccer athletes, indicating that the futsal players have better acceleration capacity than the soccer players.
Soccer and futsal are different sports modalities, but they have common characteristics. The players of these
modalities have, in their essence, similar physical requirements and a common necessity of using some physical qualities. The speed is a component of the physical capacity which is very used by soccer and futsal athletes, manifesting in many ways, according to the modality, scheme, situation or specific action of the game2,3.
According to the above-mentioned, some use to preach that the relative speed contribution for the performance varies according to the each sports modality14. Soccer, as a sports modality, is characterized by fast, short and non-continuous movements. It is also characterized as an intermittent, non-continuous and high intensity activity2,15,16,17,18.
It is known that the way each player moves, according to the rhythm, the speed, the duration of each specific action and the proper taken action inside of a match, depend, of a general way, on circumstances which the player has to face, in relation to his position on the pitch3,5.
An approach regarding the motor profile or the standards of movement that are part of the match structure and that must be considered by the professionals who are responsible for the training of soccer teams would be fundamental6,19.
Corroborating this, studies have confirmed that the application of the analysis of time and movement to soccer
comes from an objective register way of the events in a game and its consequent interpretation12. During the match, there is an alternation between periods of high and low intensity12. Along the match, the proportion of low and high intensity actions is approximately 2,2 for 1, in relation to the total run distance18.
That is to say that for each 1000m accomplished in high intensity, 2200m are accomplished through reduced intensity actions. The high intensity actions include sprints and sub maximum speed races, which require a high effort from athletes5.
In studies of the English premier championship, it has been registered that players change their activities every 5s or 6s on average and have 3s resting pauses for each 2min; even though the pauses tend to be longer and more frequent in lower levels of matches14.
Sprints would be done, on average, in a 15m distance and would occur every 90s, approximately. The motor actions of the soccer players, in relation to the displacements, were analyzed through the use of a video camera and classified in some categories: stopped, walking (4km.h-1), trotting (8km.h-1), running in low speed (12km.h-1), running in moderate speed (16km.h-1), running in high speed (21km.h-1), sprints (30km.h-1) and backward running (12km.h-1) 15.
The physical quality named strength is another factor that would have to be taken into consideration concerning
the physical requirements for a soccer player6. The strength is understood as a basic requirements for the accomplishment of motor actions and also has been receiving growing attention in the training of collective games and also in soccer games5,11,20.
Regarding this issue, studies have affirmed that technique actions in the soccer are characterized by explosive movements that demand fast strength and muscular resistance17,18.
In general, collective sports are characterized as intermittent efforts activities, with short duration, alternating periods of high and low intensity. Futsal is one of the collective sports that fi t in the above-mentioned classification21.
The general aptitude profile of the high level futsal athlete is characterized by the high values of aerobic potency, as much in absolute values as in relative terms (60,7ml. kg-1.min-1, besides high values of strength in inferior limbs, abdominal strength and agility. The futsal somatotype of an athlete is predominantly mesomorphic15,19.
No significant differences between the positions were found when the physical aptitude profile of the futsal athletes was analyzed, according to their positions21.
The accomplishment of motor actions in high intensity is common in futsal and in soccer, depending, fundamentally, on the capacity of being very sucessful2. The speed would be considered as a capacity of the fundamental conditioning to the performance, in a way in which the motor activity can be accomplished in a smaller period of time or in higher intensity22.
Because of the fact that it is a capacity of intense motor actions, accomplished in a short time, in which there is
muscular contraction in fast and vigorous way, the performance of the speed, regarding the energy aspect, happens through the fastness in which ATP re-synthesis occurs23.
The speed would be the particular quality of the muscles and the neuromuscular coordination, allowing the execution of a fast succession of gestures that, in their chaining, constitute only one and same action, of a maximum intensity and a brief or very brief duration24. In this way, a direct influence of joint actions of the coordination and strength capacities for the development of the speed is considered. Because of that, velocity in sports is put as the coordination capacity and strength to speed
In function of this, the speed in sports is put as the capacity to reach, by means of the neuromuscular system
functions agreed with cognitive processes and maximum will power, a largest speed of reaction and movement20. The speed manifestation inside of a match happens in different ways. The relative contribution of the speed to
the performance varies according to the requirements of each sports modality25.
Fit Perf J. 2008 Jul-Aug;7(4):224-8.
Analyzing the characteristics of soccer and futsal modalities, as well as tracing the motor profile of athletes from each of these modalities and getting more information regarding the physical capacity speed through the application of tests, with the objective of comparing the acceleration capacity between these two sports are relevant objectives, because they enrich the bibliographical collection, create expectations for new studies and offer data for the professionals who are responsible for the training of soccer and futsal players.
The inferential analysis showed that the futsal players were significantly quicker than the soccer players. The result corroborates the literature because, when analyzing the characteristics of each modality, it can be verified that starts in high speed happens more frequently in futsal modality, in relation to the soccer modality.
Another factor that might have influenced the result, taking into account the specificity of each sport, is that the accelerations accomplished by futsal players are, basically, in the same dimensions in which the tests happened. Such situation happens due to the dimensions of futsal squares.
The performance level of the sample is presented differently and also might have influenced the results, because the group formed by the futsal players was composed of the best players of the state in the category.
Another important aspect to be observed is the maturation level of the sample, in which futsal players had an
average age of 18.25 years old, superior to the soccer players, who presented an average age of 16.16 years
According to the data obtained in the present study, it was verified that futsal athletes obtained better results
than soccer athletes in the test of 10m, indicating that futsal players tend to have a larger acceleration capacity
in relation to the soccer players.
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