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Thursday, July 21, 2016

INDEPENDIENTE DEL VALLE 1 ATLETICO NACIONAL 1: La primera final de la Copa Libertadores 2016 queda empatada

A tres minutos del final, Independiente del Valle rescata una igualdad 1-1 ante Atlético Nacional. La revancha será el próximo miércoles.

En el estadio Olímpico Atahualpa, en Quito, Independiente del Valle jugó el partido más importante de su historia. El equipo que ha sorprendido a Sudamérica recibió a Atlético Nacional, por la final de ida de la Copa Libertadores. A tres minutos del final del juego, los locales encontraron un gol que no sólo deja abierta la serie, sino que ubica a Independiente en otra posición, luego de comenzar perdiendo. Fue 1-1, y todo se definirá el próximo miércoles, en el Atanasio Girardot de Medellín.
El de esta noche no fue el único partido de Independiente del Valle. Al mediodía, los juveniles del plantel enfrentaron a El Nacional, por el torneo local, en un duelo que estaba pendiente, y perdieron 5-2. Una situación curiosa, por decirlo menos, cuando por la noche los titulares tenían un desafío mayor.
Era una fiesta. Y como tal, no faltaron los fuegos artificiales. Eso sí, su tiempo de duración se estiró tanto que alteraron la entonación de himno ecuatoriano.
El partido comenzó parejo, con ambos equipos presentando sus intenciones ofensivas. De todas formas, con el paso de los minutos fueron los verdolagas quienes se acomodaron mejor. En esta labor, la participación de Macnelly Torres resulta importante.
El ex volante de Colo Colo es el armador de Nacional, jugando detrás del 9, Miguel Borja, y teniendo a dos hombres muy veloces por los lados, como Orlando Berrío por la derecha, y Marlos Moreno por la izquierda. Para entrar más en juego, Macnelly retrocedía hasta mitad de cancha para comenzar a hilvanar.
En los 36’, se abre la cuenta. Berrío, en posición de centrodelantero, recibe de espalda al arco, gira, se saca a tres rivales, y saca un remate bajo que derrota a Azcona. Para el local, ese fue un golpe bajo, que los afectó. El entretiempo era necesario, para rearmarse. En el segundo lapso, el cotejo no mostró demasiadas emociones. A Atlético Nacional la ventaja mínima le gustaba.
Repetto metió cambios y al filo del reloj encuentra la igualdad. En los 87’, tras un tiro libre y una dubitativa reacción del meta Armani, Arturo Mina, el eficiente zaguero de los locales, anota el 1-1. Todo abierto para el juego de vuelta. La mala noticia para el equipo de Rueda es que tendrán una sensible baja. El volante Sebastián Pérez, uno de los mejores valores del equipo a lo largo del certamen, se perderá el choque decisivo por acumulación de tarjetas amarillas.

SOCCER MUNDIAL: España elige a Julen Lopetegui como reemplazante de Vicente del Bosque

El nuevo entrenador del combinado hispano fue campeón europeo con la Sub 19 y Sub 21 y hasta enero dirigió al Porto.

La Real Federación Española de Fútbol (RFEF) confirmó este jueves el nombramiento de Julen Lopetegui como nuevo seleccionador español, en sustitución de Vicente del Bosque.
El técnico guipuzcoano, de 49 años, asumirá la dirección de la selección española absoluta tras su prolífico paso por las diferentes categorías del combinado nacional.
Julen Lopetegui ganó el Campeonato de Europa Sub-19 en 2012 y el de categoría Sub-21 en 2013.
También entrenó al Rayo Vallecano (2003-04), al Real Madrid Castilla (2008-09) y al Porto, club al que se sumó en agosto de 2014. Su aventura en la liga portuguesa finalizó en enero de este mismo año, tras su destitución.
Vicente del Bosque asumió las riendas de la selección española el 17 de julio de 2008 y cerró su etapa al frente del combinado nacional con la eliminación ante Italia en los octavos de final de la pasada Eurocopa de Francia. En este periodo de ocho años, conquistó el Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010 y la Eurocopa de Polonia y Ucrania 2012.

THE ROAD TO RIO 2016: Golpe al atletismo ruso: Confirman prohibición de competir en los JJ.OO

El TAS rechazó la apelación que presentó la federación de ese país y 68 atletas tras el castigo impuesto por la IAAF por dopaje.

Rusia perdió su apelación contra la prohibición impuesta por la IAAF al equipo de atletismo para competir en los Juegos Olí­mpicos de Rí­o de Janeiro, una decisión que podrí­a sumar presión sobre el COI para excluir a toda la delegación rusa de la cita olí­mpica del próximo mes.
La Corte de Arbitraje del Deporte (TAS) rechazó la apelación presentada por 68 atletas rusos que pidieron revocar el veto impuesto por la federación internacional de atletismo, IAAF, tras acusaciones de que el estado ruso patrocinó un programa de dopaje y ocultó las infracciones.
El tribunal, con sede en Lausana, Suiza, mantuvo la "validez" del veto de la IAAF apuntando que un paí­s cuya federación nacional está suspendida no puede optar a participar en competiciones internacionales, incluyendo los Juegos Olí­mpicos.
El panel dijo que el Comité Olí­mpico Ruso "no tiene derecho a nominar a atletas rusos para competir en los Juegos Olí­mpicos de Rí­o 2016 considerando que no son aptos para competir según las reglas de la IAAF".
El TAS dijo sin embargo que no tiene jurisdicción sobre la decisión del Comité Olí­mpico Internacional de dejar competir a los atletas rusos, ya sea representando a su paí­s o como "atletas neutrales".
Rusia alega que se trata de una sanción colectiva a sus atletas, apuntando que puede castigar a otros que no han sido acusados.
"El fallo de hoy ha igualado las condiciones para los atletas", dijo la IAAF en un comunicado. "El TAS premia la defensa del derecho de la IAAF para proteger el deporte, para proteger a los atletas limpios y apoyar la credibilidad e integridad de la competición".

THE ROAD TO RIO 2016: Usain Bolt: "Si haces trampa, serás perseguido: es el mensaje correcto"

El velocista jamaicano alabó la confirmación del castigo al atletismo ruso, que no podrá participar en los Juegos Olímpicos.

"Si haces trampa, serás perseguido: es el  mensaje correcto", estimó este jueves en Londres el velocista jamaicano Usain  Bolt después de que los atletas rusos fueran  privados de los Juegos Olímpicos de Río tras un fallo de confirmación del TAS.
El séxtuple campeón olímpico, que corre el riesgo de perder una de sus medallas de oro en relevos tras un control positivo de uno de sus compañeros (Nesta Carter) en los Beijing 2008, rechazó comentar el caso puntual de la situación que viven los atletas rusos.
"No tengo reacciones (a la decisión del TAS). Estoy triste, pero hay reglas. ¿Si pienso que debían ser suspendidos? No tengo comentarios, las reglas son reglas, hay autoridades y no tengo comentarios sobre ese tema", declaró el "Rayo", explicando que "un atleta no se puede permitir el lujo de perder sus objetivos y mirar demasiado qué pasa en los pasillos".
"Para mí, si tomas algo, tienes que ser sancionado. Hay que llevar adelante acciones justas. Si piensan que hay que tomar esas decisiones, pues hay que hacerlo", añadió, respaldando en forma elíptica la medida del TAS.
"Si haces trampa vas a ser perseguido por ello y es el mensaje correcto", resumió Bolt, quien correrá en Rio en busca de más oros.
Este jueves el Tribunal Arbitral del Deporte (TAS) rechazó la apelación interpuesta por 68 atletas rusos que habían sido suspendidos por la IAAF en el marco de un escándalo de dopaje.

RIO 2016 OLYMPICS: Doping, the scourge of modern sport and its beginnings in Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984

Photo: Getty Images
by Gianni Merlo, AIPS President, La Gazzetta dello Sport
LAUSANNE, July 20, 2016 - History books tell us that doping has been sport’s companion from the very start. In the 19th century, it was already in use in men’s sprints where there was also betting. Then, at the beginning of the 20th century, some used strychnine in long distance races.
The system has evolved progressively. After the Second World War, with the world divided in two, sport became an important battlefield and, slowly but surely, doping also became a weapon of propaganda. In the 1960s, the Eastern bloc sublimated some practices which, in the West, were mainly used by small organisations or individuals and what is now known as State Doping started.
EAST AND WEST However, the results obtained by the East stimulated the West to adapt, to find countermeasures. Top scientists were hired on both fronts to find new solutions. Cures for truly ill people became perfect prescriptions for turning normal, healthy men and women into champions.
In the 1970s, the use of anabolic steroids was transformed from an almost innocent consequence of the fraternal cohabitation of bodybuilders and throwers in gyms into a scientific practice; auto-transfusion of blood also became a fashion. This was the secret of the success of the Finnish middle distance runners - Lasse Viren dominated two Olympics. It was immediately copied and ‘enriched blood’ was achieved. Applied science became a real jungle with neither laws nor morals.
BOYCOTTS Then the boycotts of the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980 and Los Angeles in 1984 came and, in a certain sense, doping became ‘legal’. Don’t get me wrong, anti-doping laws were drafted but it was only a façade because, in effect, every federation turned one, if not two, blind eyes to the use of pharmaceuticals. Spying was in vogue to discover what the neighbouring country had found that was better. The East had its rigid state organisation, the West diligently copied and sometimes even succeeded in finding chemically more effective solutions.
PACT WITH THE DEVIL We mentioned Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984; many senior executives made a pact with the devil, with the excuse of safeguarding the Olympic ideal. Their delegations would take part with a sort of secret safe-conduct to avoid the net of anti-doping. Yes, some athletes would be found positive but only provisions that were a ‘front’ would be taken, perhaps even agreed. Athletes who had tested positive in their home countries happily left for Los Angeles and weren’t discovered. A violent controversy broke out in the United States because many athletes, who hadn’t passed the domestic test, were put into the Olympic squad just the same.
PRINCE DE MERODE The news that the reports and proof of various positive cases had disappeared from the hotel room of Prince de Merode, head of the IOC medical commission at the time, caused a sensation. The political choice of not hitting those who had cheated effectively legitimised doping and we’re still paying the consequences.
BEN JOHNSON The high profile disqualification of Ben Johnson from the Seoul Games in 1988 was another ‘front’ operation. He paid while many were protected by the long shadow of his scandal. Certainly, programmes to try and stem this malignant cancer were subsequently drafted and put into practice but real sanitization work at senior executive level has never been done. Many senior executives involved in Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984 kept their jobs and became liable to blackmail by those who preferred to choose the short-cuts offered by doping.
NOTHING CHANGES The East continued its State-sponsored policy while, in the West, the doping ‘multi-national organisations’ multiplied and were concealed up to a certain point. So much so that we reached the paradox of Victor Conte, the creator of the artificial paradises of Balco, who went to a press conference just before the Olympic Games of Sydney 2000 to defend C. J. Hunter, the shot putter, Marion Jones’s husband, from the accusation of doping. He’d been found positive a few days before. Conte thus showed his power to the world and prospered for some years until the agent Novitzsky raided his laboratory and thus unveiled all the deceit. However, what made an impression on us was that, before then, the sports authorities had never said anything and hadn’t even sketched out a plan to stop him. The transversal organisation started with Conte because it involved more sports and also started to tip its hat at illegal betting.
THE LAST STAGE Now we’ve reached the last stage -- that of criminal organisations that aren’t satisfied with selling steroids or other drugs but also blackmail athletes to hide their sins once they’ve won titles and money. What is really too much is that Rodchenkov, head of Russian anti-doping, who is now blabbing all the Russian secrets to the FBI, was also head of the blackmail organisation, a maestro… Lamine Diack, chairman of the IAAF, gave a free hand to his son Papa Massata to do business in blackmailing. First they were drugged and then robbed, a sure system with no risks.
THE MILESTONE July 18, 2016 will remain an important date in the fight against doping. The publication of the McLaren report, the head of the independent commission created by WADA to investigate what happened at the Winter Games in Sochi 2014, has highlighted an old habit of the former Soviet Union - state doping. Time has passed, but nothing, as we said, has changed. This time we have gone from simple cover ups or alterations of analytical reports to the manipulation of anti-doping samples! The discovery are major flaws in the control system. The question that comes naturally is: Is it really impossible to imagine a system without these flaws, or is the system leaving them there deliberately to continue to allow fraudulent practices, keeping them logically hidden? Russia has been properly investigated and must now pay for its sins, but in how many other countries would a thorough investigation bring an emergence of serious sins? We fear in many.
MORE INVESTIGATIONS Recently, there have been round-ups in Spain with the arrest of Jama Aden, coach-handyman but he, too, is only a pawn in a larger game. Who covered up for him in the past if he really is involved in sports dishonesty? Many managers and coaches were rounded up for questioning by the police in Kenya and anti-doping officials conducted a dawn raid on the Kenyan athletics Olympic camp in Eldoret on July 12, where athletes were required to give both blood and urine samples.
ETHICS Nowadays athletes are subjected to rigorous testing and the constant reporting and observation is reminiscent of living in a goldfish bowl. But who oversees those who are the so-called observers? Ethical commissions are fashionable but who knows why they never examine things in-depth and are never stimulated to check the DNA of the senior executives. If there isn’t a cultural revolution at the senior executive level, the desire to fight the crime effectively will only be an illusion.

RIO 2016: El drama de Yelena Isinbayeva por total castigo a Rusia: "Gracias a todos por haber enterrado al atletismo"

La doble campeona olímpica soñaba con su tercer oro y se sumó a los lamentos rusos por el rechazo del TAS al castigo por dopaje sistemático al atletismo ruso.

Rusia "lamenta profundamente" la decisión del Tribunal Arbitral del Deporte (TAS) que rechazó la apelación de los 68 atletas rusos suspendidos para participar en los Juegos de Rio, declaró este jueves el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov.
"No podemos más que lamentar profundamente" esta decisión que afecta a los "atletas que no tienen nada que ver con el dopaje", declaró a la prensa Peskov,  estimando "poco probable que la responsabilidad colectiva pueda ser aceptada".
Uno de los casos más importantes es el de la "zarina" rusa de la pértiga, Yelena Isinbayeva. "Gracias a todos por haber enterrado al atletismo. Esto es puramente político", afirmó a la agencia de noticias rusa TASS la garrochista que tenía la ilusión de ganar su tercer oro olímpico en los Juegos de Rio, que se  disputan del 5 al 21 de agosto, antes de retirarse de la actividad profesional.
Por su parte, el ministro ruso de Deportes, Vitali Mutko, afirmó que la decisión del TAS es "política" y "sin fundamentos jurídicos". 

IOC to 'explore legal options' of collective ban on Russia: are all Russian athletes guilty or sanctions should be case by case?

by Sonja Nikcevic, AIPS Media
LAUSANNE, July 19, 2016 – Following an emergency meeting of its Executive Board, the IOC has issued a statement on the aftermath of the McLaren report, which confirmed allegations of long-term state-sponsored Russian doping.
“The findings of the report show a shocking and unprecedented attack on the integrity of sports and on the Olympic Games. Therefore, the IOC will not hesitate to take the toughest sanctions available against any individual or organisation implicated,” IOC President Thomas Bach said immediately after the report was published on Monday.
A statement by the World Anti-Doping Agency followed soon after, outlining its clear recommendation that Russia and all of its athletes should be banned from the Olympic Games in Rio – ‘collective responsibility’, to use a term of Thomas Bach.
While many expected a neutral, delicate stance from the IOC, despite the McLaren report rocking the very core of sports integrity – yet again, Tuesday’s statement brought words of carefully stated encouragement for those who have called for the IOC to step up and take a harsh stance – even an unprecedented one, and act on the “zero tolerance policy” it so likes to quote.
“With regard to the participation of Russian athletes in the Olympic Games Rio 2016, the IOC […] will explore the legal options with regard to a collective ban of all Russian athletes for the Olympic Games 2016 versus the right to individual justice.”
This was followed by assurances that no action will be taken before Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has its ruling on Russia’s track and field athletes and the IAAF on 21 July.
What seems to be more and more likely though, it that the Russian flag could not fly at the Olympic Games in Rio, an outcome that seemed as close to impossible just weeks ago.
The IOC has organized its own Disciplinary Commission chaired by Guy Canivet which will “start disciplinary actions” against the Russian Ministry of Sports and all those names in the McLaren Report. It was also made clear that no Russian Ministry officials would be granted accreditation to the Rio Games. This means, that for the second day in a row, all fingers have been pointed at Russia’s Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko.
The IOC’s ‘immediate reactions’ to the McLaren Report have been to remove its backing from any upcoming international sporting events to be held in Russia. A direct mention was given to the EOC’s 2019 European Games. The competition that may have come to mind first for many though is the FIFA World Cup, set to be held in Russia in 2018. The head of the Organizing Committee is, who else, Vitaly Mutko, who also sits on the FIFA Executive Committee.
The full statement by the IOC is below:
Today, the IOC Executive Board (EB) expressed its appreciation of the work of the “Independent Person” (IP), Mr Richard McLaren. The IOC fully supports his request to continue and finalise his work, in particular since so far the “compressed timeline of the IP investigation did not permit compilation of data to establish an anti-doping rule violation” (IP Report page 4).
The International Sports Organisations will now have to evaluate the IP Report and then take the appropriate measures, according to their respective rules.
1. This means for the IOC that, following Rule 59 of the Olympic Charter, the EB has today started disciplinary actions related to the involvement of officials within the Russian Ministry of Sports and other persons mentioned in the report because of violations of the Olympic Charter and the World Anti-Doping Code. To accelerate this procedure, the IOC EB has established a Disciplinary Commission and has, following Bye-law 1 to Rule 59 of the Olympic Charter, delegated the task of establishing the facts and granting the hearings required by Bye-law 3 to Rule 59, and by natural justice.
As members of this Disciplinary Commission the following people have been appointed:
Guy Canivet (Chair) (Vice-Chair of the IOC Ethics Commission and former member of the French Constitutional Court)Robin Mitchell (Vice-Chair of the IOC Medical and Scientific Commission, Member of the IOC Ethics Commission)Yang Yang (Athletes’ representative on the IOC Ethics Commission)Andrew Ryan (Executive Director of ASOIF)Wolfgang Schobersberger (Representative of the International Winter Sport Federations, Member of the FIS Medical Commission).
The Commission can refer to any external expertise and support to fulfil its mandate.
2. With regard to the participation of Russian athletes in the Olympic Games Rio 2016, the IOC will carefully evaluate the IP Report. It will explore the legal options with regard to a collective ban of all Russian athletes for the Olympic Games 2016 versus the right to individual justice. In this respect, the IOC will have to take the CAS decision on 21 July 2016 concerning the IAAF rules into consideration, as well as the World Anti-Doping Code and the Olympic Charter.
3. Given the urgency of the matter the IOC EB has already taken the following provisional measures:
The IOC will not organise or give patronage to any sports event or meeting in Russia. This includes plans for the European Games 2019 organised by the European Olympic Committees (EOC).

The IOC will not grant any accreditation to any official of the Russian Ministry of Sport or any person implicated in the IP Report for the Games of the XXXI Olympiad Rio 2016.

The IOC will initiate reanalysis, including forensic analysis, and a full inquiry into all Russian athletes who participated in the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014 and their coaches, officials and support staff. For this purpose, a specific Disciplinary Commission is set up under the chairmanship of Mr Denis Oswald. Following the report of this Commission, the IOC EB will impose all the appropriate sanctions.

Because of the detailed references to the manipulation of samples during the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014 the IOC asks all International Olympic Winter Sports Federations to freeze their preparations for major events in Russia, such as World Championships, World Cups or other major international competitions under their responsibility, and to actively look for alternative organisers.

The IOC asks all IFs for a full inquiry and, in case of implication in infringements of the World Anti-Doping Code, sanctions against Russian National Federations by the respective IF. Such inquiries should be coordinated with the work of the IP, Mr Richard McLaren.

These provisional measures apply until 31 December 2016. They will be reviewed by the IOC EB at its meeting in December 2016.
4. The EB reiterates and supports the measure already announced by the Olympic Summit on 21 June 2016 to reverse the “presumption of innocence” of athletes from Russia with regard to doping. This means that the eligibility of each Russian athlete will have to be decided by his or her International Federation (IF) based on an individual analysis of his or her international anti-doping record. The EB also took note of the actions already being undertaken by the IFs in cooperation with WADA with regard to targeted international tests of Russian athletes in accordance with the declaration of the Olympic Summit.
5. In this context, the IOC asks WADA to extend the mandate of the IP, Mr Richard McLaren, to communicate the names of Russian athletes implicated in the “Disappearing Positive Methodology” and the alleged manipulation of the doping tests performed by the Sochi laboratory to the respective International Federations and, where appropriate, to the IOC, in order to allow them to take swift action.
6. Since, for the IOC as an international non-governmental organisation, the Russian Ministry of Sports and its subordinated organisations such as the Center of Sports Preparations of National Teams of Russia (CSP) and the Russian Federal Research Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK) are beyond its reach, it will forward the results of its inquiries to UNESCO and WADA to take further measures and sanctions in application of the UNESCO “Convention against Doping in Sport“ and the World Anti-Doping Code.
7. The IOC EB notes with great concern the deficiencies revealed by the IP, Mr Richard McLaren, in the fight against doping. Therefore the IOC reiterates the call of the Olympic Summit on 21 June 2016 to fully review the anti-doping system by requesting WADA to convene an “Extraordinary World Conference on Doping” in 2017. The Olympic Summit on 8 October 2016 will propose further measures in this respect. This will include proposals to clarify and increase transparency of the respective responsibilities in the fight against doping; the accreditation and supervision procedures of WADA accredited laboratories; and the WADA “International Standards for Laboratories” (ISL).The IOC is reinforcing the request issued by the Olympic Summit on 17 October 2015 to make the entire anti-doping system independent from sports organisations.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

THE ROAD TO RIO 2016: chileno Edward Araya, una marcha de revancha

El marchista de 30 años, clasificado a la marcha atlética de 50 kilómetros de los Juegos Olímpicos, expone su entrenamiento a El Deportivo. Araya fue el primer chileno confirmado en Río, en marzo del año pasado, y trabaja hace más de un año para compensar su fracaso en Londres 2012, donde fue descalificado.

En el año pasado, cuando el avión de chilenos clasificados a los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro aún estaba vacío y los nacionales se enfocaban en los Panamericanos de Toronto, una pista de México reveló al primer miembro del Team Chile confirmado en la cita de los anillos. Allá estaba el marchista Edward Araya, octavo en los 50 kilómetros del World Race Walking Challenge de Chihuahua, dando su primer paso rumbo a una revancha deportiva.

El gemelo del también marchista Yerko Araya vivió en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres una inolvidable experiencia, manchada con frustración al ser descalificado en su categoría. Un competidor de su disciplina abandona la pista cuando tres jueces distintos dan una tarjeta roja cada uno por falta del deportista, que puede ser por sacar los dos pies del suelo o flectar la rodilla al poner el otro pie en el piso.

“Iba excelente en el tiempo, y me sacaron antes del kilómetro 35. Di gracias a Dios por la oportunidad, pero fue frustrante porque estaba luchando bien. Éramos unos 70 e iba 32 o 34, y seguía avanzando. Me quedé con un deber no cumplido, le fallé a mi gente. Morí luchando”, recuerda.

Además, también quedó fuera de su categoría en los Mundial de Atletismo de Moscú, en 2013, y concluyó la participación chilena en Toronto con otra descalificación. “La gente cree que uno hace trampa, pero no. Es muy difícil la coordinación. La idea de todo marchista es, en primer lugar, terminar”, plantea. “Y si alguno te dice que no ha sido descalificado alguna vez, está mintiendo”, agrega Yerko, quien también vivió esa situación en los Juegos Panamericanos del año pasado.

Y con el apoyo de su  gemelo, el amplio tiempo de preparación dado por su temprana clasificación y sus ansias de desquite, Edward entrena para su segundo capítulo olímpico. “Estamos trabajando la técnica con muchos videos y Yerko me aporta nuevas ideas. Será mi búsqueda de revancha, de sacarme la espina de lo que pasó en Londres. De recorrer los kilómetros que me faltaron, superar mi registro y estar entre los 25 mejores”, sostiene.

Con un año y cinco meses de brecha entre el día de su clasificación y su participación en Río, el marchista ha visto mejoras en su desempeño. Desde que comenzaron los campeonatos nacionales, en septiembre del año pasado, no ha sido descalificado y participó en dos certámenes clase B (inferiores sólo a  Juegos Olímpicos, Mundiales y Copas del Mundo de Marcha Atlética). Entre ellos una fecha del Circuito Internacional de Marcha de la IAAF, en Ciudad Juárez, México, donde terminó quinto y batió un nuevo récord nacional con un registro de 3.58’54’’.

Por eso, además, confía en su extensa preparación. “Incluso antes de confirmar mi cupo me acostumbré a correr 50k en cuatro horas y luego bajé mi marca. Y lo bueno es que pudimos hacer comparaciones con años anteriores, y ya tengo un nivel de competencia y ritmo que esperábamos yo y mi entrenador”, plantea Araya antes de marchar junto a su hermano, personaje clave en su carrera.

“¿Qué mejor que ser gemelos para comparar técnica y otras variables? Eso es entretenido y motivante. Cuando ves que tu hermano mejora, te das cuenta de que es posible que tú lo hagas también. Y es una relación altruista, porque cuando uno está desanimado el otro le echa ánimo”, expresa Edward, mientras su hermano complementa: “¡Tengo a mi rival en todos lados!”.

Rutinas de gemelos

De hecho, esa frase es más literal de lo que parece. Las rutinas de ambos se entrelazan dentro y fuera de las pistas, y los dos se topan incluso como colegas de trabajo. Los hermanos Araya se preparan con el entrenador Guido Núñez seis días a la semana, recorren entre 150 y 220 kilómetros en ese período, nadan tres veces a la semana, van al gimnasio, enseñan educación física en la Escuela Gabriela Mistral y también entrenan marchistas en el club Trotamundos (con el cual ellos mismos se ejercitan para los JJ.OO.).

Es difícil no seguir relacionando a los dos, porque también tienen en común el orgullo de representar a la XV Región. “Después de ser deportista soy un ariqueño más, y hago las apuestas para que los futuros deportistas de la región sean los próximos representantes de Chile en torneos importantes”, expresa Edward.

El nortino considera que podría haber competido más durante su  período previo al certamen de los anillos, y plantea: “Debí haber estado en el Mundial de Roma, en los 20 kilómetros, el test oficial antes de los Juegos. Pero el panel técnico nacional decidió que no tenía que ir porque marcho 50 kilómetros”. Pero los frutos de su preparación ya se han dado en sus últimas competencias, y su nuevo récord nacional y la calma de su expresión lo dicen todo. Ahora, sólo  el tiempo y los preparativos finales separan a Edward de su ansiada revancha olímpica.

DOBLE TRASPLANTE DE CORAZON Y PULMON: Parte médico de Jacinta Zañartu: "Su estado es grave, inestable, pero dentro de lo esperado"

El doctor Juan Carlos Venegas, de la Clínica Las Condes, adelantó que la joven volverá a pabellón para una revisión que estaba previamente planificada.

El jefe de la unidad coronaria de la Clínica Las Condes, el doctor Juan Carlos Venegas, entregó un parte médico tras el doble trasplante al que fue sometido la joven Jacinta Zañartu (17 años).
Cabe recordar que la adolescente fue trasplantada de corazón y pulmón, en una intervención que terminó alrededor de las 7:00 de la mañana de este domingo.
"El estado de salud es inestable, grave, pero dentro de lo esperable tras la cirugía", explicó el facultativo.
Resumiento, el médico expresó que "Jacinta fue trasplantada el día de ayer en una larga y compleja cirugía, que salió alrededor de las 7 de la mañana de hoy tras permanecer en pabellón 24 horas". Se debe recordar que la paciente fue alistada para el trasplante desde cerca de las 7 de la mañana de este sábado, y que el trasplante en sí comenzó cerca de las 17:00 horas.
Venegas reiteró que la situación es "compleja e inestable dado por eventos que son secundarios a una cirugía de esta complejidad, sagramiento por alteración de la coagulación esperada por este evento".
Asimismo, adelantó que "cuando tengamos los sistemas de coagulación normalizados va a pabellón para una revisión local y ayudar en el control de estas hemorragias".
"La situación es altamente inestable pero está siendo manejada con fármacos, reposición de sangre y desde el punto de vista quirúrgico local", complementó.
Sobre la vuelta al pabellón, "esta revisión está planificada. No tenemos el horario exacto, pero en este minuto ya está todo el equipo -alrededor de 20 personas- en Pabellón y están listos para recibir a Jacinta".

COPA DAVIS SUDAMERICANA: Marcelo Ríos: "Tenemos los huevos más grandes que un gorila"

El Chino valoró en Twitter la victoria en el dobles, que deja al equipo chileno a un punto de sellar la serie frente a Colombia.
Hans Podlipnik y Nicolás Jarry dieron el golpe de la serie. Los campeones panamericanos derrotaron en cinco sets a la dupla colombiana compuesta por Robert Farah y Juan Sebastián Cabal (pareja N°11 del mundo) y consiguieron el segundo punto para Chile en Copa Davis. Así el equipo capitaneado porNicolás Massú toma la ventaja y se pone 2-1 arriba en el marcador.
Luego del último punto del tie break, la banca chilena estalló de alegría. Jugadores y familiares ingresaron a la arcilla de Iquique para celebrar con H-Pod y el Príncipe. Es que los cafetaleros eran los favoritos para ganar el tercer punto. Por eso lo meritorio del triunfo nacional.
Así lo valoró Marcelo Ríos, asesor del Vampiro, en su cuenta de Twitter. Si antes había despotricado contra el estado de la cancha, ahora destacó la gesta de la dupla chilena. "Aunque no seamos los mejores del mundo tenemos los huevos más grandes que un gorila... Vamos Chile!!", escribió el ex N°1 del mundo.
Ahora la Roja del tenis puede definir la serie en el cuarto punto, cuando Gonzalo Lama, principal raqueta del equipo nacional, enfrente al mayor peligro de Colombia, Santiago Giraldo.

BAN ON RUSSIAN TEAM FOR RIO 2016? European Olympic Committee chief answers USA/Canada call for 'wholesale ban' on Russian Olympic team

EOC President Patrick Hickey. Photo/Getty Images
ROME, July 17, 2016 - President of the European Olympic Committee Mr Patrick Hickey issued the following statement in answer to the McClaren report:
"Today I have seen an e-mail that has been sent to a number of athletes and anti-doping organisations by Beckie Scott, Chair of the WADA Athletes Commission, asking for the recipients to counter-sign a letter (attached to her e-mail) from the US and Canadian National Anti-doping Agencies addressed to the President of the IOC. This letter calls upon the IOC to instigate a wholesale ban of the Russian Olympic Committee team in Rio2016. This unprecedented call for such a ban is based on what the US and Canadian National Anti-doping Agencies say are the findings of the independent McLaren Report.
"The e-mail from Beckie Scott and the attached letter has shocked and concerned me on a number of levels.
"Firstly, the McLaren report is meant to be a totally independent report that must remain totally confidential until its publication on Monday, 18 July 2016 at 09:00 in Canada. It is clear from the e-mail and letter that both the independence and the confidentiality of the report have been compromised.
"My concern is that there seems to have been an attempt to agree an outcome before any evidence has been presented.
"Such interference and calls ahead of the McLaren Report publication are totally against internationally recognised fair legal process and may have completely undermined the integrity and therefore the credibility of this important report.
"Secondly, I have checked with the chairperson of The EOC Athletes Commission and he has not been consulted about the request in the Scott e-mail for European signatories. Yet I note from her email that three European NADOS 'amongst others' have been approached to sign. It is clear that only athletes and organisations known to support a ban of the Russian Olympic Team have been contacted.
"Finally I have to question on what authority the USA and Canadian Anti-Doping agencies prepared their letter and what mandate they have to lead an international call for a ban of another nation in the Olympic family.
"Whilst I fully understand and share international concerns over the recent doping allegations, we cannot allow any individuals or groups to interfere or damage the integrity of fair and due legal process."
Comments from two more senior EOC executives to the proposed letter addressed to the IOC from USADA and CCES which is based prematurely on the findings of the independent McLaren report which is not due to be published until Monday, 18 July.
Zlatko Matesa [EOC Executive Committee Member, President of Croatia NOC and former Prime Minister of Croatia]
"I am surprised by the premature calls for the Russian Olympic team to be banned ahead of the due process necessary to review and act upon the McLaren report. It seems incredible that important members of the Olympic Movement are seeking to build a global coalition to get another National Olympic Committee banned even before the requisite evidence has been published. This is not in the Olympic spirit and casts a shadow over the integrity of the McLaren report."
Spyros Capralos [EOC Executive Committee Member, President of Greece NOC]
"It is very disappointing to see prominent Olympic stakeholders attempting to get another family member banned from the Olympic Games in this rather underhand way. The real victims of all of this will be athletes from all the nations who are seeking fair but universal competition.
"All of us want zero tolerance of doping and all forms of cheating in sport. However this must be conducted in an open and transparent way, not through building alliances of national prejudice based on supposition rather than evidence."

WADA Statement regarding The Sunday Times/ARD doping allegations concerning British, Kenyan and other athletes training in Kenya
The front page of The Sunday Times on July 10, revealing allegations of UK doping
MONTREAL, June 11, 2016 - The World Anti-Doping Agency has confirmed that it will review all evidence and take the necessary action related to today’s The Sunday Times article; which, alleges that British athletes are exploiting the opportunity of altitude training in Kenya to take prohibited substances supplied by Kenyan doctors. The article which was the result of a joint investigation with German broadcaster ARD, includes undercover video coverage claiming that Kenyan doctors are providing prohibited substances to British; as well as, Kenyan and other athletes.

WADA has been in contact with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and are satisfied with the action they’re taking to quickly open an investigation in the interest of corroborating the evidence and investigating further.

“WADA is grateful to The Sunday Times and ARD for bringing the evidence to UKAD’s attention,” said Olivier Niggli, Director General, WADA. “As UKAD is actively investigating the matter of British athletes, I have been in touch with their Chief Executive, Nicole Sapstead, to offer WADA’s support as the situation evolves,” he continued. “I have full confidence that UKAD is addressing the matter with the necessary urgency and rigor,” Niggli said. “In due course, WADA will be reviewing the evidence that UKAD compiles and taking the necessary action to ensure the protection of clean sport,” Niggli continued.

“On the broader topic of Kenya, this article is one in a series of reports questioning Kenya’s ability to effectively address doping; and, suggesting that there exists a culture of doping in the country,” said Niggli. “Once WADA has had the opportunity to review the evidence from UKAD’s investigation, we will be better positioned to determine what action is required to address the allegations,” he continued. “At the very least, this is an indication that the Kenyan government must quickly put the necessary human resources behind Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) in the interest of protecting clean sport.”

On 12 May 2016, WADA’s Foundation Board declared ADAK non-compliant with immediate effect. The Kenyan authorities had been given a series of deadlines to introduce a parliamentary bill, policy and rules for ADAK; however, following a 2 May meeting, WADA’s independent Compliance Review Committee (CRC) confirmed that the outstanding issues had still not been addressed and so made the recommendation of non-compliance to the Board. As in all cases of non-compliance, WADA has handed the decision over to its stakeholders, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and UNESCO for their consideration and action.
News from the same category

News from the same category

COPA DAVIS ZONA AMERICANA: Chile sorprende a Colombia con épico triunfo en el dobles y toma ventaja

Hans Podlipnik y Nicolás Jarry derrotaron a la dupla Robert Farah y Juan Sebastián Cabal en un infartante partido a cinco sets.

El equipo chileno de Copa Davis puede comenzar a ilusionarse con ganar la serie frente a Colombia que se disputa en Iquique, luego de quedarse con el punto del dobles y tomar ventaja de 2-1.
La dupla compuesta por Hans Podlipnik (61º) y Nicolás Jarry (311º) dio una sorpresa al superar en cinco sets al binomio integrado por Robert Farah (28º) y Juan Sebastián Cabal (27º).
Si bien, los nacionales tenían algunos pergaminos como adjudicarse el oro en los Juegos Panamericanos de Toronto 2015, los favoritos eran los cafetaleros por su gran experiencia en el circuito ATP.
En la primera manga, los criollos arrancaron más concentrados ante unos rivales imprecisos, y tras una guerra de quiebres, lograron quedarse con el parcial tras una ruptura en el décimo game.
En el segundo episodio, los forasteros subieron y tras quedarse en dos oportunidades con el saque de los nacionales, igualaron el encuentro.
En el tercer capítulo fueron los dueños de casa quienes repitieron la dosis para sacar ventaja, mientras que en el cuarto, los colombianos reaccionaron en un tie-break, después de desperdiciar la chance en un 5-4 y con servicio, para llevar todo al quinto y último set.
Y si todos pensaban que Jarry y Podlipnik sentirían el golpe, no fue así. Los campeones panamericanos estuvieron esta vez certeros en la definición y se llevaron el cotejo por 6-4, 2-6, 6-2, 6-7 (4) y 7-6 (5).
Ahora, Gonzalo Lama, el primer singlista criollo, tendrá la posibilidad de cerrar la llave ante Santiago Giraldo, y en caso de caer, la responsabilidad recaerá en Nicolás Jarry y en Alejandro González. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Milos Raonic announced on Friday that he has decided to withdraw from competing at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

“It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing my withdrawal from participation in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games,” said Raonic. “After much deliberation with my family and coaches, I am making this decision for a variety of health concerns including the uncertainty around the Zika virus. This was a difficult, personal choice and I do not wish for it to impact the decision of any other athlete heading to the Games. I would like to thank Tennis Canada and the Canadian Olympic Committee for their ongoing support. I am very proud to have competed for Canada at the London 2012 Summer Olympics, and on the world stage at several Davis Cup events. I look forward to cheering on Team Canada this summer.”

“We fully respect Milos’ decision as we are sure this is not one he made easily,” said Kelly Murumets, president and CEO, Tennis Canada. “Milos represents Canada proudly week after week around the world and we look forward to future opportunities for him to join Team Canada again on the court.”

Pending invitation by the International Tennis Federation and Canadian Olympic Committee approval, Tennis Canada will nominate Daniel Nestor to replace Raonic in the men’s doubles draw to partner with Vasek Pospisil.

About Tennis Canada
Founded in 1890, Tennis Canada is a non-profit, national sport association with a mission to lead the growth of tennis in Canada and a vision to become a world-leading tennis nation. We value teamwork, passion, integrity, innovation and excellence. Tennis Canada owns and operates the premier Rogers Cup presented by National Bank WTA and ATP World Tour events, eight professional ITF-sanctioned events and financially supports 15 other professional tournaments in Canada. Tennis Canada operates national junior training centres/programs in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Tennis Canada is a proud member of the International Tennis Federation, the Canadian Olympic Committee, the Canadian Paralympic Committee and the International Wheelchair Tennis Association, and serves to administer, sponsor and select the teams for Davis Cup, Fed Cup, the Olympic and Paralympic Games and all wheelchair, junior and senior national teams. Tennis Canada invests its surplus into tennis development. For more information on Tennis Canada, please visit our website at www.tenniscanada.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Media Contact:
Sarah Grossman, National Manager, Communications and Media Relations, Professional Tennis   
                sgrossman@tenniscanada.com, 416-650-7922
Valerie Tetreault, Regional Manager, Communications and Media Relations     
                vtetreault@tenniscanada.com, 514-273-1515 x259


Milos Raonic a annoncé vendredi qu’il se retirait de la compétition des Jeux olympiques de Rio 2016.

« C’est avec tristesse que j’annonce ma décision de ne pas prendre part aux Jeux olympiques de Rio 2016, » explique Raonic. « Après de longues réflexions avec ma famille et mon équipe d’entraîneurs, j’ai fait ce choix en raison de préoccupations au niveau de la santé, notamment l’incertitude entourant le virus Zika. Ce choix a été difficile et demeure personnel ; je ne souhaite en aucun cas influencer les décisions d’autres athlètes en route vers les Jeux.  J’aimerais remercier Tennis Canada ainsi que le Comité olympique canadien pour leur soutien constant. Je suis très fier d’avoir représenté le Canada aux Jeux olympiques d’été de Londres en 2012 et à plusieurs reprises sur la scène internationale dans le cadre de la Coupe Davis. J’ai très hâte d’encourager la délégation canadienne cet été ».

Kelly Murumets, présidente et PDG de Tennis Canada ajoute : « Nous respectons entièrement la décision de Milos puisque nous savons qu’il a eu beaucoup de difficulté à la prendre. Milos représente notre pays semaine après semaine, partout dans le monde, et nous entrevoyons d’autres opportunités pour lui de pouvoir se joindre à l’équipe du Canada sur le terrain ».

En attendant l’invitation de la Fédération internationale de Tennis et l’approbation du Comité olympique canadien, Tennis Canada sélectionnera Daniel Nestor à titre de remplaçant de Milos Raonic pour faire équipe avec Vasek Pospisil pour l’épreuve du double masculin.

À propos de Tennis Canada
Tennis Canada, dont les origines remontent à 1890, est une organisation sportive nationale sans but lucratif dont la mission est d’assurer la croissance du tennis au Canda et la vision est de devenir un chef de file mondial au tennis. Nous valorisons le travail d’équipe, la passion, l’intégrité, l’innovation et l’excellence. Tennis Canada possède et administre deux des plus prestigieux tournois de l’ATP et du WTA Tour; les volets masculin et féminin de la Coupe Rogers présentée par Banque Nationale, 10 tournois professionnels sanctionnés par l’ITF et soutient financièrement 12 autres tournois professionnels au Canada. Tennis Canada administre des centres nationaux de tennis à Toronto, Montréal et Vancouver. Tennis Canada est membre de la Fédération internationale de tennis, du Comité olympique canadien, du Comité paralympique canadien et de l’Association internationale de tennis en fauteuil roulant. De plus, Tennis Canada administre, commandite et choisit des équipes pour la Coupe Davis, la Fed Cup, les Jeux olympiques et paralympiques et forme des équipes nationales pour les juniors, les vétérans et les joueurs de tennis en fauteuil roulant. Tennis Canada investit ses excédents budgétaires dans le développement du tennis. Pour obtenir plus amples renseignements sur Tennis Canada, visitez notre site web au www.tenniscanada.com et suivez-nous sur Facebook et sur Twitter.

Renseignements (Montréal) :
Valérie Tétreault, Responsable régionale, communications et relations médias
          514-273-1515, poste 6259, vtetreault@tenniscanada.com
Sarah Grossman, Responsable nationale des communications et des relations médias pour le tennis professionnel
       416-650-7922, sgrossman@tenniscanada.com


The countdown is on. Only one year remains until the largest continental sporting and cultural gathering of Indigenous peoples – the Toronto 2017 North American Indigenous Games (2017 NAIG) – will take place in Toronto on the shared traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, the Huron-Wendat Nation and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, with the support of the Métis Nation of Ontario.

From July 16-23, 2017, the Games will welcome more than 5,000 participants, 2,000 volunteers and a number of other spectators and dignitaries from across North America. Sport and cultural venues include Humber College, University of Toronto Scarborough, City of Toronto facilities and Six Nations of the Grand River. A total of 14 sports will be offered for competition during the event and a week-long cultural village will be housed at York University featuring nightly programming including traditional teachings, Indigenous artists and other cultural performers.

Earlier this week, the City of Toronto approved cash and in-kind funding for the Games in the amount of $400,000. This significant contribution, together with previous major pledges of up to $3.5 million by both the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario, symbolizes financial and resource support from all levels of government.

In addition to the One Year Countdown celebrations at David Pecaut Square in Toronto on Friday, members of NAIG Council and Mission Staff from participating Territories, Provinces and States arrive to tour 2017 NAIG venues – many of which were built for the Toronto 2015 Pan and Parapan Am Games.

The North American Indigenous Games began as a dream in the 1970’s with a vision to improve the quality of life for Indigenous Peoples by supporting self-determined sport and cultural activities; a springboard to encourage equitable access on a society wide-scale, in the full participation of the social, cultural and spiritual fabric of the communities in which Indigenous people live.

Today, the Games present an opportunity to embrace Canada’s remarkable community spirit, inspire hope for future generations of Indigenous youth while celebrating sport and culture. For those looking to get more involved in the Games, the Toronto 2017 NAIG Host Society will be launching its official volunteer recruitment campaign, in addition to a medal design contest in the near future.
Quick Facts
  • After an extensive bid process put forth by the Aboriginal Sport and Wellness Council of Ontario (ASWCO), Toronto was selected as the Host City for the 2017 NAIG Games.
  • The Toronto 2017 North American Indigenous Games Host Society was formed and incorporated as a not-for-profit organization to manage the execution and operations of the Games.
  • Venues for the Games include:
    • Allan A. Lamport Regatta Course
    • Don Valley Golf Club
    • Gaylord Powless Arena
    • Humber College
    • Iroquois Lacrosse Arena on the Six Nations of the Grand River Reserve
    • Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre (jointly owned by the University of Toronto and the City of Toronto)
    • University of Toronto Scarborough Valley Fields
    • York University
  • The Games provide Indigenous youth, aged 13-19, an opportunity to showcase their athletic abilities through 14 sports and their heritage through numerous cultural events.
  • Over 5,000 athletes and 2,000 volunteers will take part in the Toronto 2017 NAIG.
  • Participating teams come from all 13 provinces and territories, as well as 13 regions in the United States.
  • Funding from all levels of government towards the 2017 NAIG, addresses key elements of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Calls to Action and recognizes the Games as an important vehicle to promote Indigenous sport development and recreation in Canada.
“The 2017 North American Indigenous Games Host Society is assembling a team of skilled and passionate employees to collaborate with our Indigenous communities in order to host a world-class sport and cultural event. 2017 NAIG has the opportunity to build a legacy for Indigenous youth by creating a memorable experience during these Games. With the support of all levels of government, corporate partners and thousands of volunteers, we will change lives through the power of sport and culture.”
-Marcia Trudeau, Chief Executive Officer, 2017 North American Indigenous Games Host Society
“Ontario is proud to host the 2017 North American Indigenous Games and welcome athletes and participants from across the continent to our province. We’re excited to take advantage of the exceptional sports facilities that are a lasting legacy of the Toronto 2015 Pan and Parapan Am Games as we host this unique event.”
-Honourable Eleanor McMahon, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Government of Ontario
"Next summer, the 2017 North American Indigenous Games will make an important contribution to the year-long celebration across Canada recognizing the 150th anniversary of Confederation by honouring the power of sport in our communities. These revered Games will have a long-lasting impact on Canada's Indigenous athletes, coaches, officials and sport leaders while building bridges with non-Indigenous Canadians who share the same love of sport. Sport and recreation activities have tremendous benefits both on and beyond the field of play, and one year from now we will cheer for Indigenous people from coast to coast to coast."
-Honorable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, Government of Canada
"Sport and culture bring people together and promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health - a foundation for strong communities. The 2017 North American Indigenous Games present a unique opportunity to celebrate Indigenous athletes and the resilience, skill and limitless potential of Indigenous youth throughout the continent. This sporting event also supports the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's call to ensure long-term Indigenous athlete development and growth. I am delighted that these Games will be hosted in Toronto, and that Canada and Ontario are strong supporters of this event."
- The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, M.D., P.C., M.P., Government of Canada

“The City of Toronto is looking forward to welcoming the 2017 North American Indigenous Games. Sport has the unique power to change lives. These Games celebrate sport and culture while creating amazing opportunities for Indigenous people. As Mayor of Toronto, I couldn’t be more excited to be part of what the Indigenous Games are building.”
-Mayor John Tory, City of Toronto

For further information, please contact:
Abidah Shirazi
Manager, Communications, Toronto 2017 NAIG Host Committee
(416) 825-3348

The North American Indigenous Games is a multi-sport, multi-disciplinary event involving Indigenous youth from Canada and the United States. The Games offer 14 sport competitions in addition to a vibrant cultural program, showcasing local and North American indigenous cultural groups and entertainers. For more information, visit http://www.naigcouncil.com.

The Aboriginal Sport & Wellness Council of Ontario (ASWCO) is the Provincial Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body (PTASB) for Ontario and provides input and services around the North American Indigenous Games, National Aboriginal Hockey Championships and many other regional games throughout Ontario and Canada. ASWCO promotes healthy living and offers training, certifications and support for coaches, athletes and other organizations in each of the 6 regions: Northwest, North Central, Northeast, Central, Southeast and Southwest Ontario. For more information, visit http://aswco.ca.

The North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) Council is the International Governing Body for the NAIG exercising exclusive jurisdiction, either directly or through its affiliate members or committees, over all matters pertaining to the Games. It ensures the purposes and philosophies are reflected in all aspects of the games. The Council is also the principle authority for policy development, rules and regulations for the North American Indigenous Games. For more information, visit http://www.naigcouncil.com/about.php.

15 juillet 2016
Le compte à rebours est commencé. Il ne reste qu’un an avant que le plus important regroupement sportif et culturel du continent pour les peuples autochtones – les Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord 2017 de Toronto (JAAN 2017) – ne se déroule à Toronto sur les territoires traditionnels communs de la Première nation des Mississaugas de New Credit, la nation huronne-wendate et la Confédération Haudenosaunee, avec le soutien de la Nation métisse de l’Ontario.
Du 16 au 23 juillet, les Jeux accueilleront plus de 5000 participants, 2000 bénévoles et de nombreux spectateurs et dignitaires de partout en Amérique du Nord. Les sites sportifs et culturels incluent le Collège Humber, l’Université de Toronto (Scarborough), des installations de la Ville de Toronto et la réserve Six Nations Grand River. La compétition sportive inclura 14 disciplines et l’Université York accueillera pendant toute la semaine un village culturel, avec une programmation en soirée qui inclura des enseignements traditionnels, des artistes autochtones et d'autres interprètes culturels.
Plus tôt cette semaine, la Ville de Toronto a approuvé un financement et des ressources pour les Jeux d’une valeur de 400 000 $. Cette importante contribution, ainsi que des engagements antérieurs allant jusqu'à 3,5 millions $ par le gouvernement du Canada et la province de l'Ontario, démontrent le soutien financier et en ressources de la part de tous les niveaux de gouvernement.
En plus des célébrations marquant le compte à rebours d’un an qui se sont déroulées vendredi au David Pecaut Square à Toronto, des membres du Conseil des JAAN et le personnel de mission des territoires, provinces et états sont arrivés afin de visiter les sites des JAAN 2017 – dont plusieurs avaient été construits pour les Jeux panaméricains et parapanaméricains 2015 de Toronto.
Le rêve qui consistait à organiser des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord a commencé dans les années 1970, avec comme vision l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des peuples autochtones en soutenant des activités sportives et culturelles autodéterminées; un tremplin pour encourager un accès équitable à grande échelle dans la société, ainsi que la pleine participation du tissu social, culturel et spirituel des communautés dans lesquelles vivent les populations autochtones.
De nos jours, les Jeux offrent l’occasion de célébrer le remarquable esprit communautaire du Canada, de donner espoir aux générations futures de jeunes autochtones, tout en célébrant le sport et la culture. Pour ceux et celles qui aimeraient s’impliquer davantage, la société hôte des JAAN 2017 de Toronto lancera sous peu sa campagne officielle de recrutement de bénévoles, en plus d'un concours de conception de la médaille.
Faits à souligner

 Suite à un vaste processus de soumission mis de l’avant par le Conseil du sport et du bien-être autochtone de l’Ontario, Toronto a été choisie comme ville organisatrice des JAAN 2017.
 La société hôte des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord 2017 de Toronto a été formée et incorporée en tant qu'organisme sans but lucratif pour gérer l'exécution et les opérations des Jeux.
 Les sites des Jeux incluent:
o Allan A. Lamport Regatta Course
o Don Valley Golf Club
o Gaylord Powless Arena
o Collège Humber
o Iroquois Lacrosse Arena sur la réserve Six Nations Grand River
o Centre sportif panaméricain de Toronto (copropriété de l’Université de Toronto et de la Ville de Toronto)
o Université de Toronto (Scarborough)
o Université York
 Les Jeux procurent aux jeunes autochtones âgés de 13 à 19 ans l’occasion de mettre en valeur leurs qualités sportives dans 14 disciplines, ainsi que leur patrimoine à travers de nombreux événements culturels.
 Plus de 5000 athlètes et 2000 bénévoles prendront part aux JAAN 2017 de Toronto.
 Les Jeux regrouperont des équipes des 13 provinces et territoires, ainsi que de 13 régions des États-Unis.
 Le financement de tous les niveaux de gouvernement pour les JAAN 2017 appuie les éléments clés de l’appel à l'action de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation du Canada et souligne l’importance des Jeux comme véhicule pour promouvoir le développement du sport et des loisirs autochtones au Canada.
« La société hôte des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord rassemble une équipe d'employés qualifiés et passionnés pour collaborer avec nos communautés autochtones afin d'accueillir un événement sportif et culturel de classe mondiale. Les JAAN 2017 ont la possibilité de construire un patrimoine pour les jeunes autochtones en créant une expérience mémorable au cours de ces Jeux. Avec le soutien de tous les niveaux de gouvernement, de partenaires corporatifs et de milliers de bénévoles, nous allons changer des vies grâce à la force du sport et de la culture. »
-Marcia Trudeau, chef de la direction, société hôte des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord 2017

« L'Ontario est fier d'accueillir les Jeux autochtones d'Amérique du Nord 2017 et d’accueillir les athlètes et les participants de tout le continent dans notre province. Nous sommes ravis de
profiter, dans le cadre de ces Jeux, des exceptionnelles installations sportives qui sont un patrimoine durable des Jeux panaméricains et parapanaméricains 2015 de Toronto. »
- L’honorable Eleanor McMahon, Ministre du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport, Gouvernement de l’Ontario
« L’été prochain, les Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord ajouteront aux célébrations du 150e anniversaire de la Confédération – qui auront lieu durant toute l’année, partout au pays – en soulignant le rôle du sport dans nos communautés. Ces jeux auront des bienfaits à long terme sur les athlètes, les entraîneurs, les officiels et les dirigeants sportifs des communautés autochtones. Ils contribueront aussi à jeter des ponts entre les Autochtones et les non-Autochtones passionnés de sport. Les activités récréatives et sportives entraînent de multiples avantages tant sur le terrain de jeu que dans la vie. Dans moins d’un an, nous applaudirons les athlètes autochtones des quatre coins du pays. »
-L’honorable Carla Qualtrough, ministre des Sports et des Personnes handicapées, Gouvernement du Canada
« Le sport et la culture rassemblent les gens et font la promotion de la santé physique, mentale, émotionnelle et spirituelle - les bases pour des communautés fortes. Les Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord 2017 offrent une occasion unique de célébrer les athlètes autochtones et la résilience, les compétences et le potentiel illimité des jeunes autochtones à travers le continent. Cet événement sportif appuie également l’appel à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation fondé sur le développement et la croissance à long terme des athlètes autochtones. Je suis très heureuse que ces Jeux soient présentés à Toronto et fière que le Canada et l’Ontario soient d’ardents supporteurs de cet événement. »
- L’honorable Carolyn Bennett, ministre des Affaires autochtones et du Nord, Gouvernement du Canada
« La Ville de Toronto a hâte d'accueillir les Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord 2017. Le sport a le pouvoir unique de changer des vies. Ces Jeux célèbrent le sport et la culture, tout en créant de formidables opportunités pour les populations autochtones. En tant que maire de Toronto, je ne pourrais être plus heureux de faire partie des Jeux autochtones et de tout ce qu’ils représentent. »
- Maire John Tory, Ville de Toronto
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter:
Abidah Shirazi
Gestionnaire des communications, Comité organisateur des JAAN 2017 de Toronto
(416) 825-3348
Les JAAN sont un événement multisport et multidisciplinaire auquel participent de jeunes autochtones du Canada et des États-Unis. Les Jeux offrent 14 compétitions sportives et un programme culturel dynamique qui présente des artistes et des groupes culturels autochtones locaux et de l’Amérique du Nord. Pour de plus amples informations, visitez http://www.naig2017.to.
À PROPOS DU CONSEIL DU SPORT ET DU BIEN-ÊTRE AUTOCHTONE DE L’ONTARIO – Détenteur des droits officiels des JAAN 2017 Le Conseil du sport et du bien-être autochtone de l’Ontario est l’organisme provincial/territorial de sport autochtone (OP/TSA) pour l’Ontario. Il fournit une contribution et des services dans le cadre des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord, du Championnat national autochtone de hockey et de nombreux autres jeux régionaux dans l’ensemble de l’Ontario et du Canada. L’ASWCO fait la promotion d’un mode de vie sain et offre de la formation, des programmes de certification et de l’appui à l’intention des entraîneurs, des athlètes et d’autres organisations dans chacune des six régions de l’Ontario. Pour de plus amples informations, visitez http://aswco.ca.
Le Conseil des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord (JAAN) est l’organe directeur international des JAAN, qui exerce une compétence exclusive, soit directement soit par l’entremise de ses membres affiliés ou de comités, dans toutes les affaires relatives aux Jeux. Il voit à ce que tous les volets des jeux reflètent les objectifs et les préceptes de la démarche. Le Conseil est la principale autorité responsable de l’élaboration des politiques, des statuts et règlements des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord. Pour de plus amples informations, visitez http://www.naigcouncil.com/about.php.